Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pet Peeve

Maybe this shouldn't drive me nuts, but it does.  Actually, I know that it is ridiculous that something like this annoys me, but it does.  I hate when people call you and say "I see that someone called my phone.  Who is this?"  Dude, who are you?  Get a life.  I don't know.  If it's my phone and I see that an unknown number called, I can assure you that I have more important things to do rather than to call them back when they didn't bother to leave a message.  I assume that if it wasn't a wrong number, they will call back. 

I just got a call from some lady.  She said "Someone called my phone from this number."  I said "Well, it wasn't me, but maybe it was my son on accident."  She was like "Who is your son?  What's his name?"  I said "Excuse me?  I don't know who you are and to my knowledge, no one called you.  Why do you need to know my child's name?"  She was like "Ok," and hung up.

Looks like a suspicious wife is going through the phone bill.  It wasn't me!  Keep movin' lady!

Here's the Word of the Day:

ad rem \ad REM\, adverb:
1. Without digressing; in a straightforward manner.
1. Relevant; pertinent.

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