Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Pictures

The kids were INSANE yesterday and that was before the Trick-or-Treating and candy-eating.  It was a crazy day as always, but fun and they all looked adorable.  For months, Logan was not planning on Trick-or-Treating.  Well, he changed his mind at the last minute but he wasn’t dressed up when I had to leave.  We wouldn’t let him go Trick-or-Treating without a costume because it’s cheating, so he stayed home with Don while I took the other kids to my friend’s house.  I got home last night and found him with a huge bag of candy.  He dressed up as a football player at the last minute and walked around in our neighborhood, but of course, I don’t have pictures of him.  Carson and Dylan loved Trick-or-Treating and they understood the concept.  They never said "Trick-or-Treat" but they did thank people sometimes. 

My dad sent me a text last night that said the following: 

"I hope you had a good Halloween.  We just passed out over 400 pieces of candy to some of the rudest B**T**Ds I have ever seen, but there were some polite ones.  I hope your candy search went well.  Love, Dad"

I thought that it was hilarious and had to share.  I'm definitely not trying to raise rude B**T**Ds, so I made sure to at least TELL them to say thank you to the people passing out candy.  That reminds me......last night when I was tucking the boys in they were being really crazy and not listening (I wonder why!) and they kept saying "I sorry, Mama."  Carson started it and then Dylan caught on and began saying it.  I have been trying to get them to apologize to each other when they get into fights for a long time, but all they would do is hug each other, which was good enough for me.  I'm really happy though because last night showed that they are catching on to the idea of an apology. 

Ok, pictures!

Dylan, Finley and Carson before we went to the gym yesterday
Valley Girl, Monkey or "Konkey" as Carson says, and a Monster
Carson the Konkey
Dylan the Monster
Excited....he's pointing at an airplane
So cute.
Mama and Carson...By the way, I WAS a retro baseball player but threw on some jeans because my shorts were too short to walk around with little kids.  I had the knee high stripy socks and short 70's shorts thing going on-THAT'S why my hair is in braids and I am wearing a hat.
No nap and still so cute.....
On the way to Hannah's house
At Grammy's house
Lindsey, Julia and Hannah-80's girls
Lindsey found a frog. 
She's so pretty.  :)
Dylan.....very tired.

"Look, Mama!  Look at my candy!"

Dylan, holding Carson's basket too.

At Grammy's

Yay!  An unattended bowl of candy!

Lindsey, holding Hannah's neighbor, the princess
Hope you all have a great day!  I have to take Lindsey and Logan to school and get ready for Pilates.  I let them sleep in a little because we were up so late.

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