Friday, November 4, 2011

Thanks a Lot, GPB

Why is it that when I watch shows about outer space I actually get dumber?  I guess I don’t— I just realize how dumb I already am! 

Don and I were watching Georgia Public Broadcasting last night.  There’s a show called “Nova” and I am now dumber because of it.  When I watch these shows about space-time, time travel, and black holes I am happy that I have a TiVo because I always have to rewind it and listen to what they say like 5 times before I can actually understand it.  Then once I feel like I grasp the concept at the most minimal level they throw something else at me.  The episode that we were watching was about space.  Not outer space, but the space in between objects.  What is the space in between objects?  What is it made of?  They said that we don’t know what it is and it’s like 70% of the universe.  It would be like if we didn’t know what water was, because our planet is mostly water.  So I understood all of that and I understand that “empty space” isn’t nothing, it’s something.  Very interesting.  But then they started talking about how maybe everything we see is a 2-D image, or hologram, of what’s on the other side of a black hole or black matter or something.  WHAT????  Ok, so now I am going to have to watch shows about this crap like 20 more times to understand what just made me dumber.  All they do is confuse me. 

There was a section about Einstein and how he disproved Newton’s Law of Gravity……unreal.  Can you imagine being that smart?  Good thing that the guy wasn’t evil.  You could do a lot of bad things being as intelligent as he was. 

I can't believe that this is the Word of the Day.  I have no idea how these take on a life of their own.  I write the blog and then the word matches?????  Look at it:

prehensible \pri-HEN-suh-buhl\, adjective:

Able to be seized or grasped.

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