Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving and one of the things that I am thankful for today is that I remembered to drive the exact speed limit yesterday and didn’t get pulled over on my way to Birmingham and back.  (Not that I am some crazy speed demon, I’m not, but you can still get pulled over for going even a little over the limit.)  I left around 10:00, picked Peyton up and got home around 5:00.  Obviously, the cops had anticipated the traffic and speeders because there was a cop at practically every other mile marker.

One of the reasons that I was so careful not to get a ticket is because I realize that I just don’t have the time or energy to give cops excuses anymore.  I also no longer get upset to the point where tears roll down my face, which was definitely an advantage when I was younger.  I used to start crying genuine tears before the cop even got out of his car.  Annoying, right?  Obviously, I got off with a lot of warnings because I was just flat-out pitiful.  I got pulled over for making an illegal U-turn a couple of months ago and I was very matter-of-fact and to the point with the cop.  I said “I’m sorry.  Yes, I did it.  I didn’t see the sign because the kids were all screaming and I was on the phone.”  He said “So you were distracted.”  I said “Yes, I’m really sorry.  I was very distracted.”  He gave me the ticket and I was free to go home and eat, which is all I really cared about that exact moment.  Why waste my time and his time trying to get out of it and manipulate him into feeling sorry for me?  I hate when my kids do that to me, so I just don’t want to do it to a cop.  It’s so aggravating when my kids know that they did something and they won’t own up to it. 
It really did suck that I got that ticket because I had only gotten like one ticket in my life, and it was in like 2003 for speeding.  And really, the cop probably should have felt sorry for me.  I had like 6 screaming kids in the car, it was time to eat, we’d been at cheerleading practice for 2 hours—I would’ve felt sorry for me. 
I hope that you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving meal and wear stretchy pants! 

A note to my family and friends—I love you all and I am thankful every day of my existence that you have been placed in my life!  Ever since I was a little girl I have always known that God has blessed me with a love for people and a mouth to speak to them with.  (He probably blessed me with a strong lung capacity as well.  You have no idea how much air it takes to talk this much!)  Some people are blessed with the ability to build skyscrapers, to build computers, to heal the sick, to pass a math class with flying colors—not me.  My gift is the people in my life, I am sure of it.  I have always been thankful to have so many people to love and that love me back.  If I lost all material possessions, my health….whatever, I would still have the people who God has blessed me with.  Thank you!
Here's the Word of the Day:
appetence \AP-i-tuhns\, noun:

1. Intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite.
2. Instinctive inclination or natural tendency.
3. Material or chemical attraction or affinity.

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