Monday, November 7, 2011

Marathon of a Day

I looked at the title after I wrote it and realized that it hasn't just been a marathon of a day, but the whole weekend was a race.  We picked Peyton up on Friday, I went shopping for the little guys on Saturday, we went to Dave and Buster's yesterday and when we were finished, I drove Peyton back.  OH!  I almost forgot to mention, Don hurt his foot and had to go to the E.R. yesterday morning.  I think it may be a blessing to be short because I can see everything on the ground.  Don is so tall that he is always injuring himself because he can't see everything on the ground.  He dislocated his was sideways.  It was really gross.  This morning I got up and got ready, gave Dylan his antibiotic for his ear infection, fed and dressed the kids, went to the gym for cardio and yoga, and went to Bed Bath and Beyond.  (I had to call Don on the way and quote "Old School".  I said "Hey Don.  Got a nice little Saturday planned.  Going to the Home Depot.  Look at tiles, maybe wallpaper samples.  Maybe Bed Bath and Beyond.  I don't know.  I don't know if we'll have time!")  I'm always quoting movies; it's ridiculous.  Why aren't there commas between Bed Bath and Beyond?  There should at least be one after BED.  The comma after BATH would be considered an oxford comma, that's optional these days, but there should be one after Bed.  That's irritating that there aren't commas.

After I got the boys some new, cool sports bedding, I ran home to make a smoothie for myself and feed the kids lunch.  After we ate, we ran to the dentist and the boys got their teeth cleaned.  (No cavities, teeth look good.  Dylan cried and I had to hold him and Carson sat in the chair like a big boy and cooperated.  It was awesome.)  After that, we came home for a little while.  After I was rested and the boys were ready to go out again, I took them to get their hair cut. 

I am home now and so exhausted that I could pass out, but the day isn't over.  It's only 4:00, I have seven children here, I have 20 emails to answer, and I have to pick up the house.  Thank goodness we are having leftovers. 

The kids are out of school tomorrow for Election Day.  I hope I sleep well tonight.  If I don't blog tomorrow, you know why.  My plan is to take them to Kennesaw Mountain for a picnic and let them run wild. 

Here's the Word of the Day:

canny \KAN-ee\, adjective:

1. Careful; cautious; prudent.
2. Astute; shrewd; knowing; sagacious.
3. Skilled; expert.
4. Frugal; thrifty.
5. Scot. A. Safe to deal with, invest in, or work at (usually used with a negative). B. Gentle; careful; steady. C. Snug; cozy; comfortable. D. Pleasing; attractive. E. Archaic. Having supernatural or occult powers.

1. In a canny manner.
2. Scot. Carefully; cautiously.

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