Sunday, November 27, 2011

4 AM

The entire family fell asleep watching TV last night.  We watched some football first……Florida lost to Florida State.  Go on, Brea.  You have waited like 15 years to talk some smack.  It would be boring if we always won anyway! After we watched football we watched “Fred Claus”, and then I guess we all passed out.  Peyton, Logan and Lindsey were sprawled out on the floor, I was snuggling on the couch with Dylan, Carson was sleeping somewhere near my feet, and Don had fallen asleep sitting up in the big chair.  I woke up around 4 AM and laughed because no one looked comfy. 

I woke up because I was having nightmares.  And no wonder—the Discovery channel was on.  It’s a great channel, I love it, but it shouldn’t be on while you are sleeping unless you want to have jacked-up dreams.  The show “Taboo” was on and the subject was Rites of Passage, or something like that.  Did you know that men in New Guinea allow people to slice them thousands of times on the back with a RAZORBLADE so that they will look like crocodiles?  This shows that they are tough, AND INSANE!!!  Ughhhhhhhh, shivers down my spine even thinking about it.  Carson woke up a few minutes after I did and we changed the channel to some "Konkey Gorge" (Curious George), he had some milk and we went back to asleep.

I am missing church today because I may have to take Carson to the ER.  His leg is bleeding through the bandage.  I noticed a couple of tiny spots of blood on the bandage when we woke up yesterday morning, so after freaking out and crying, I called the nurse.  She said that it’s probably ok since he doesn’t have a fever and he isn’t complaining.  She said that sometimes blood makes its way to the surface, even a couple of weeks after surgery.  This morning he says that it hurts and there’s a bigger spot of blood, so I am having Don look at it when he gets home.  I can’t even look at the bandage or I get dizzy and freak out, so Don has to do it.  I am not someone with a weak stomach, except when it’s my kid.  I get light-headed, dizzy, and I get very upset when I see something wrong with my child.  Normal, right?  Please say prayers.  I am imagining the worse, like infection spreading, stitches popping—I am trying not to worry, but it’s not an easy thing to refrain from. 

stertor \STUR-ter\, noun:

A heavy snoring sound.

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