Saturday, July 19, 2014

What Made Me Thankful and Happy This Week....

I guess this is going to be a thing every week. 

Saturday: I am thankful that I was so happy and relaxed that one of my friends said I looked like I was on something.  Can't beat that.  I smiled and giggled and chilled all day. 
Sunday: I am thankful for the creeper in hot yoga who meditated on my ass for an hour and fifteen minutes.  He made me practice blocking out the world and focusing even harder.  Thanks, man. You inadvertently made me a happier person. 
Monday: I am thankful for my shower because I had a headache and the two showerheads make me feel a little better. I could marry my shower.
Tuesday: I am thankful for the movie, Reality Bites. I have seen that movie a million times in the last 20 years and it was just as enjoyable on Tuesday. I realized that I still prefer Troy to Michael.  Thank God I didn't grow up to be a sellout. 
Wednesday: I had breakfast with my friend, Kasie, I got a letter from my grandpa, and a visit from one of my girlfriends from high school from Florida, Luciana.  Luciana reminded me to lay off of my teenage daughter a little for being a pig because I was a gigantic SLOB when I was a teenager.  I was like "What?  No I wasn't!"  Her jaw dropped and she said in shock "Brittany!!!!"  She said everyone had to step over piles in my bedroom.  She reminded me that my dad was constantly yelling at me and I would yell back "It's only like that because we were all trying on clothes!  It only just got messy!"  I totally forgot that I was so messy. Thanks, Lu.
Thursday: I am thankful for my readers.   I made a comment on Facebook that I knew what I wrote wouldn't be as interesting as when I write about sex....everyone surprised me.  It got just as many hits, and more people had something to say about it.  That is really comforting because there is a lot more to me than just my thoughts on sex and relationships.  That's not to say that I knock anyone for being interested....I wouldn't write about it if I weren't.  But there's a lot more to my brain and I am interested in a lot of different things.  It's nice when they matter.
Friday: Friday night I slept for 9 hours.  Here I am, Saturday morning, writing about what made me happy this week.  Sleep makes me happy. 

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