Monday, July 21, 2014

Dating Naked

I don't watch TV, like, pretty much at all.  I try to get into shows, but I forget to watch them for a few weeks and then I get so far behind that I get overwhelmed and stop watching them.   I have assumed for a while that my ADD is just bad and that's why I don't watch TV, but lately I wonder if it's because every time I turn the TV on, I find nothing but commercials and crappy shows.  Have you seen this "Dating Naked" show on VH1?  Are you kidding me?  Could there be a better indicator of how incredibly shallow and stupid we are becoming?  It's already hard for guys to pay attention to us without staring at our boobs and imagining what our ass would feel like in their hands....what are we trying to do here?  See just how stupid they can become and how quickly they can lie?  What a stupid show.  Is that where we're headed?  Here's an idea!  Let's just go completely backwards!  Let's just cut to the chase and reject each other immediately based on absolutely nothing of substance and choose someone based on penis and breast size.  Finding out what someone looks like naked is something that you would THINK would be part of the fun of dating and first kisses and the first time you're together...


 VH1 says the show isn't about being naked, but it's about “the art of romance free of preconceived notions, stereotypes.” The idea is that no one has anything from the modern world protecting them and hiding who they really are.  (Like clothes and money and status.) 

Right.  I'm not buying it.

Stripping someone of their clothes doesn't make them open up.  People are naked and sleeping around every doesn't mean that they ever have to show who they really are.  What do clothes have to do with it?

So. Stupid.

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