Monday, March 11, 2013

The Couple That Prays Together

First of all, I had a good weekend and I hope that all of you did as well.  Hopefully the time change hasn't made you too tired this morning.  I love when the time changes because I know that spring is almost here AND we get an extra hour of daylight.  Plus, I don't notice the time change much because I wake up at weird times anyway.  Like this morning....I have been up since 3:30.  Anyway, we had beautiful weather this weekend and it made me feel euphoric.  I think I get very blahhhh in the winter months.  I hate being cold and hate the dark. 

On Saturday I went to the Chattahoochee and ran on some of the trails.  When I was getting ready to go, a lady stopped me (she was around 50) and asked me if I was going by myself.  I said that I was.  She made me go back to my car and get my pepper spray and call someone to let them know how long I would be.  She said "If you don't, I will worry, and that's the least you can do for yourself.  Things DO happen in this world."  I thanked her and did exactly what she asked.  I ran for a while and when I was tired, I found a little spot next to the water to do nothing but sit for like 20 minutes.  I sat on this huge tree trunk that was, for some reason, sideways.  I got bark on my butt and mud on my shoes, but it was nice to sit and think in the quiet.

Ok, so what I really want to talk about.....

Last week, church was about being single and the things that you should be doing to grow as a person so that if you find someone later, you'll be a better and more complete version of yourself.  This week it was about couples and what they should be doing together. 

Basically, the message was this: as a couple, you serve each other and you are submissive to each otherMutual submission makes it impossible to argue.  A marriage should look like this:

You experience things together and serve each other, but both the man and woman are first committed to God. 

Ok, so here is the kicker......

Andy Stanley (the preacher) gave a statistic that was, well, crazy.  The divorce rate is around 50 to 60% these days.  I think it's lowered somewhat in the last few years because of the economy, but it's still ridiculously high.  He said that they did a study on couples who pray together and found that only 1 out of 10,000 marriages ended when the couples prayed together.  1 out of 10,000?????  That is UNREAL.

When I heard this I was shocked, but at the same time, I wasn't because it makes sense.  If both people are pulling their weight and truly caring about the other person and seeking God together on a daily basis, how could they not stay together?

He also said that your physical intimacy is enhanced when you pray together.  I am not surprised at all.  Sex is very emotional with someone you love, or at least, it should be emotional and meaningful.  If you're spiritually connected, you're going to be happier, more content, and trust the person you're with.  Through praying together, you are admitting your weaknesses, and when arrogance is gone, you are more vulnerable to the person you are praying with.  I can see how just this act, letting go of your pride and such, could make your partner trust you more.  Bottom line, a couple is going to want to have sex more often.  When two people feel disconnected, that's when they stop sleeping together and looking for outside stimulation, whether it's the TV or another person, or whatever. 

I know one thing for sure....praying as a couple is going to be a must for me next time.  Why even bother getting involved with each other if you aren't going to protect what you have?  It's going to be a deal breaker for me if someone is not willing to do it.  I realize that two people have to be on the same page if it's going to work, because even if you are on the same page, marriage and relationships are still very difficult.  I think about all of the books I read, all of the times I prayed without anyone hearing me, and I didn't have a shot in my marriage if I felt like I was out there alone.  I believe that God wants to give you what you want when it's right.  Prayers like "Please, help me, Lord.  Please fix us.  Please, God, make it better.  What do I do?  Ok, I'll try this....." over and over and over......but how can God answer you when the other person refuses to hear what you are asking for?  That's where free will comes in.  Maybe at this point God forgives you for throwing your hands up, because you didn't throw your hands up....the other person did, and maybe he has something else planned for you. 

Here is the link, if you want to listen to the messages.  Have a great Monday!

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