Sunday, April 1, 2012

Girls Who Imitate Stupid

Mad Men comes on tonight.  I love this show, if you haven’t figured it out yet!  I also LOVE Jon Hamm.  I love him based on the fact that he’s so freaking handsome, he’s a really good actor, and that he doesn’t like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton.  He’s like perfect now.  A couple of weeks ago he said the following about cheap TV entertainment:

"It's a part of our culture that I certainly don't identify with, and I don't really understand the appeal of it other than in a sort of car crash sensibility, and it's not something that I partake in or enjoy, but it is what it is, and here we are."

I love you, Jon Hamm, for respecting smart women, smart culture, and rejecting idiotic entertainment.  He also refuses to take back what he said….yes, sir, you are awesome.  

I want to club stupid girls over the head and I can’t stand anyone who is famous purely because they have money and a sex tape—sorry.  I have no respect for it.  It is because of girls like Paris and Kim that little girls grow up to be obnoxious, brainless, idiotic whores who do whatever men tell them to….and then they wonder why no man wants them longer than a week.  “Oh, whaaaaa!  Men are such a-holes!  I hate them!  WAHHHH!  I hate them!  They're so stupid!  (No, you are.)  What’s wrong with me?”  Um, let’s see….you ACT like Kim and Paris— yet you just bounced a check in order to get your nails done and you’re not as hot, nor will you ever be.  Why are you acting like this?  You’re bank statement says “negative $9” and you’re walking around with fake boobs, no brain, and collagen-injected lips that you can’t afford.  I love the male species and they are smarter than stupid girls give them credit for.  Contrary to popular belief, I think that they are not so shallow that they’ll be happy sitting at a table with a pretty girl with nothing interesting to say…..they actually want someone that’s interested in more than just the brand of her purse.  Men (the good ones anyway) want someone who will challenge them and stick with them even if they’re broke as crap.  Are you taking your boobs and money to the grave, girls?  Um on your soul, ladies.  It's not all about looks and money.

And I am sorry, but Kim Kardashian’s ass is gross.  She’ll take up two airline seats once she gives in and eats a bag of Lay’s.   Just wait.  And what a beotch to fake a marriage for ratings.  OMG.  She’s a succubus. 

If Lindsey ever imitates one of these girls, I am throwing her into a convent.  If my boys ever bring home a girl like this, I think I will grab them by their extentions and fling them into my yard.  My front yard is very steep and I'll watch them roll down with pleasure.  HAHA! 

I know that this sounds really mean, but it's true and besides, the girls I am talking about won't get their feelings hurt because they aren't reading my blog.  The Nutrition Info on their rice cakes is the extent of what they read. 

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