Saturday, November 30, 2013


It's 5:50.  I've been awake since 2:30. After listening to music and reading a book, I naturally felt like watching a movie. I chose one of my favorites, "Serendipity". 

was thinking about the whole idea of signs and following them when it comes to finding you "soul mate".  I used to believe in signs differently when I was younger. For example, in the movie, it's the movie poster, the bridal shop, the hairdresser named Sara. I believed they worked like that. I don't anymore.

I think signs work like this...."It didn't work out, you aren't together, therefore that's a sign that you aren't meant to be". If you were meant to be, you would be, right?  Just because it doesn't work out how you wanted it to, doesn't mean it didn't work out.  The whole idea behind the movie though is that they made a terrible mistake and fate doesn't want them to pay for eternity, so they get another chance with each other, which is why it's a great movie. Sometimes you don't get another chance in real life.  I believe that when someone loves you, they'll go to the ends of the earth for you. If they don't do that for you, they don't love you. It's really pretty simple. 

By the way, you see the picture at the top of the page? Jonathan is showing Sara how her freckles are really the constellation, Cassiopeia. You wanna know something? I have Cassiopeia on my right arm too. It's a sign. I am a Goddess. Haha. Unfortunately, there aren't men to point out the constellations on my body parts like in the movies. They're just freckles in real life. 

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