Saturday, September 15, 2012

Too Hectic for a Saturday

Sometimes you just have days where nothing goes smoothly and today is one of them for me.  I just want to put my head under a pillow, block out the noise, and go sleep because I am so exhausted and irritated.

I remember a period with Logan and Lindsey when it was a struggle just to get them to the car and buckled. Toddlers like to look at everything, touch everything, ask questions.  Bless their little, innocent hearts for being this way, but honestly, sometimes it is exhausting and it completely throws off everyone's schedule.  (This drives me nuts.)  We are at the worst part of this stage right now with Carson and Dylan, or I should say I HOPE it's peaking right now.  It took me 25 minutes to get from the gym childcare to the car yesterday.  I'm not kidding.  They are masters at the art of time suckage right now and there have been many times lately when I have scooped them both up and carried them somewhere, one in each arm, kicking and screaming.  Whoever said Terrible Two's was being incredibly optimistic.

So today went like this:  we slept in a bit (first mistake, but that's because no one went to bed when they should have, including myself) and then I got up and made breakfast for everyone.  I made eggs for Carson and myself, but I melted the spatula while stirring them like a moron and so I had to rush to make something else.  We went to the gym for an hour and then we came back home for another hour so I could get ready to go to the kids' game.  The game started at 3:00, but they had to be there at 2:00 and it was a 30 minute drive.  We left at 1:15, but of course, because I was running late, I had to get gas, go to the ATM and I was getting a headache because I didn't have time before the gym to drink the coffee I had made.  (This was because I burned the spatula.)  The line at the ATM was too long, so I left.  The line at Dunkin' Donuts was ridiculous, for 1:30 in the afternoon, and so I was 10 minutes late dropping the kids off.  I got my coffee though, so that's what's most important!  HAHA.  Just kidding.  Anyway, I dropped the kids off to meet with the other kids and I left with the boys to find an ATM to get cash to get into the game.

The boys were excellent little fans the entire time, even though they were at this point completely exhausted.  Logan and Lindsey asked me to take them to Canyon's for dinner and against my better judgment, I took them.  I knew that Carson and Dylan were too tired and would behave badly, but I crossed my fingers and parked the car.  We walked to the restaurant, Carson's pants falling down the entire time (forgot to mention that), and Logan and Lindsey are fighting about something.  We get to the restaurant and I let the older kids order.  After they order, I try ordering and I am tell Logan and Lindsey to keep an eye on their crazy brothers so I can order my food.  (Which they do not.)  We sit down and I tell them that if they expect me to take them places with two cranky kids (because we were at THEIR game all day), they could help me.  Lindsey says "Oh.  So it's all about them?"  And I went off on her.  I told her that for their entire lives, Carson and Dylan have never had a nap time.  They have been shuffled around all day, every day, they have sat at dance and cheerleading and football games and recitals for hours of their little lives.  Whenever I did get them to take a nap, they were always woken prematurely because Logan and Lindsey refused to be courteous while they slept.  I was SOOOOO ANGRY with her.  It was such a bratty thing to say.

Of course, I got sass for the rest of this joyous dinner because she knew she was wrong.  Pile on that....Carson and Dylan are climbing all over everything and everyone, getting on the get the idea.

Last but not least, Lindsey was irritating Logan so he lied to her and told her that he paid her Homecoming date $10 to ask her out.  She started crying and I then chewed him out.

A nice car ride home led to me sitting here, banging on the keyboard and wanting to smash my head with my pillow.

Oh, and since I have been writing, Lindsey said "So now what are we doing?"  I said "Please leave me alone for 20 minutes.  I want some time alone and I don't want to do anything with anyone right now.  I need to write.  I am not happy, and I am exhausted from this day.  You still haven't apologized for being rude to me."

"Fine," she screams and storms off.


Hope everyone is enjoying their day of football.  I now have to get onto Lindsey for teasing Dylan with a bag of candy.  She is acting like she's giving him some and running away and slamming her door.

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