Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Trip-Friday trip is going to be broken into installments because I am busy, and I don't want to make one entry that is just way too long.  Today I will write about last Friday, tomorrow I will write about Saturday and Sunday, maybe Monday.  I am going out of town AGAIN on Friday, so I will definitely write about last week's trip first.

I know I have not written since last Friday, but I went to Milwaukee for a few days and came back late Monday night.  I couldn't talk about my trip beforehand because no one in my family was supposed to know.  It was my sister, Ashli's, 30th birthday.  Her ex-boyfriend, who is an amazing person, flew me in for a surprise.  He picked me up on Friday evening and we hung out until she called to say that she was home with Amelie (his story was that he wanted to come by to see her before he had to work).  When we got the call from her, we hid the car on the side street and walked up to the front door.  He told her to close her eyes and hold out her hands, which she did.  I came over and put my fingers (which were freezing) into her hands.  Matt said "Ok, open them."  She did, and it didn't register at first.  Once she realized that I was really standing in front of her, she started to cry and hug me.  I was laughing.  She then hugged Matt, and cried some more.  It was really sweet; she felt loved, I felt loved, and even Amelie got to enjoy the present.  She was squeezing my leg and saying "Auntie Brinty!  You're HERE!" 

We decided that that surprise was too good not to share, and since my mom didn't know that I was in town, we decided to mess with her.  Ash called her and said "Get over here now!  Please, hurry!"  After Ash completely freaked my mom out, I hid in the bedroom and waited for her arrival.  Ash was going to say that there was a mouse in her room, but I thought she should go with a bat, because  they are scarier. 

My mom comes in and Amie and Ash are screaming about the bat that's trapped in her room.  My mom is screaming "NO! Don't open the door!  They have rabies!"  My sister said that she would get a pot (which reminded me of Chris Farley saying "You can't catch a bat with a pot, Richard" and then I had to hold in my laughs).  My mom said "Not a pot!  How about a broom?"  Ash said that she couldn't find it, so she handed her a Swiffer.  Ash finally got my mom to open the door, Swiffer in hand, and saw me.  I said "I'm the bat."  She didn't say anything for like 10 seconds and then screamed "Brittany! What are you doing here?" And we all started laughing hysterically.  We almost made my mom pee her pants. 

I ended up helping Katie at Rare Chair Affair that night, and then I went back to Ash's and we ate candy at like 2 am and watched "Back to the Future II".  I'll tell you how tired I was....I didn't even hear him say "Roads?  Where we're going we don't need roads."  I know.  It's like the 5th line of the movie.  I really wanted to see the part when Biff says "Make like a tree and get outta here" and OLD Biff says "Stop saying that!  It's make like a tree and LEAF!  You sound like a damn fool!"  I didn't quite make it that far....

Ok, tomorrow I will tell you about bitching out the pruny, crotchety antique store lady for being mean to my niece, and about our experience at Suite....OMG. I still can't believe that people behave this way. 

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