Monday, July 11, 2011 Care or Not to Care

Is it just me, or do a lot of people think that this Roger Clemens trial is a complete waste of our time?  Ok, so he lied to Congress, which is bad, but don’t we have bigger fish to fry?  We all know that he used steroids and HGH—look at him.  A lot of them did and maybe still do, but until I see ticket sales drop dramatically, I am not convinced that people care very much.  In my opinion, the players using performance-enhancing drugs may be bad-ass while they’re playing, but their bodies will pay for it later.  Isn’t that punishment enough?  If you’re dumb enough to inject yourself with crap that will  shrink your testicles and give you cancer, well go ahead…it’s a free country.  (Except that it's illegal, ha ha.)  Meanwhile, I just heard that terrorists are now considering having explosive devices surgically implanted into their bodies.....and I am supposed to care about Roger Clemens?  Let Congress stick to the things that matter: world peace, the economy, and passing important laws.  I can tell you that I am much more concerned that my grandparents will get their Social Security checks than I am about Roger.  Sorry, Roger. 

And what is up with the trainer who saved the supplies he supposedly used to inject Clemens?  What a snitch!  That’s like a drug dealer saying “Here!  I'll inject this Heroin into your veins, but hold still so I can get a good picture!”  He knew he’d tell on him!  What a little punk!

Here’s the Word of the Day:

trig \TRIG\, adjective:
1. Neat, trim, smart.
1. To make neat or trim.
1. A wedge or block used to prevent a wheel, cask, or the like, from rolling.
1. In good physical condition; sound; well.

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