Thursday, October 11, 2012

Things I've Learned on Facebook

I revolted against Facebook for many years.  One, I don't like psycho stalkers  who look around at people because they are bored.  It's creepy and I know that people do it.  Two, I don't like Mark Zuckerberg, like AT ALL.  Three, I just didn't want to be part of a community of people who only communicate through Mark Zuckerberg's stolen invention and ignore all other conduits for socialization.  (Like the phone and email, or even face to face.)  Obviously, I have caved, since I know a few things about Facebook now.  (25 years later than everyone else.) What can I say? I am a stubborn ass and a loser.

So I have learned a few things about the system in general, and about the people in my life.

You're never 'PRIVATE':  You can run, but you can't hide on Facebook.  Not even a fake name will keep the dude in your 10th grade Geometry class from finding you.  (Not that I know about this.)

I have some friends who should be comedians: There are certain people who are even funnier than I had originally thought.  I LOVE watching this.  I know some awesome people.

I also know some people who suck more than I thought.......

The Debbie Downer Poster:  I have been know that old expression "You are what you eat"?  What if when talking about Facebook, you are what you post?  I have some friends who are so damn negative and I would never have noticed had I not gotten on Facebook.  I almost want to block some of these people because of the crap that they go on and say.  They use it as a platform to vent about how crappy life is.  How about "you're depressing and shut up".

Crazy People: I know some bat-sh** CRAZY people.  These people also don't speak in full sentences, which results in even more confusion.  Most of the time I scratch my head, shrug my shoulders, and keep scrolling to find something that one of my awesome comedian friends has posted.  If I am feeling frisky, I comment and say "What are you talking about?"  You never get an answer, because they don't know.

I am just as random as this blog: I post random, not so deep thoughts, on Facebook.  I named my blog Haphazard Daily for a reason.  My mind floats off and ponders constantly.....

Don't talk Politics on Facebook: It isn't worth it. 

Posting Pictures is WAY easier than email: This is probably the best thing about Facebook.  I hate emailing pictures to people.

Twitter is sometimes tied in with Facebook: I hate Twitter and I hate sentences that contain pound signs.

FB saves time: I don't have to call 25 family members to tell them one tiny thing that they probably only SORT of care about, if at all.  I have a big family.  (Divorce will do that.)  I don't have enough time in a year to talk to all of my family the way that I should.  Facebook helps with that.

Don't be friends with your Grandma: My sister posted a picture of a girl filing a piece of paper into a cabinet.  It said "Sure!  Let me file that under things I don't give a flying F*** about" and my grandma got very upset about it.  I then commented on the picture saying "You're so bad, Ashli!  Stop being so vulgar!"  She loved that.  My grandma also got upset about me losing my shoes and being hungover after my birthday.  She called my mom and said that I was the only normal one and she wasn't going to lose her one normal grandchild.  I had to call her and let her know that I wasn't an alcoholic. 

That's pretty much what I have for the day!  I hope that you are all shaking your head saying "Yeah, I could have told you that seven years ago" rather than disagreeing with me.  Like I said, I am a stubborn ass. 

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