Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Curious Cat

If you've ever wondered where the Alice thing started with me, it's because there couldn't be a better definition of who I am. Pretty much any time I do anything that requires a little leap or risk, I get called Alice. Even when I cry, I say "Why did I do that?" I've had friends who answer "Because, Alice." Tears don't stop me from seeking another heart splat, but that's because......

Why do people say "Curiosity killed the cat"?  It's a stupid expression.  I realize that maybe sometimes it does kill the cat, yeah, I get it......but how bored would the cat be plopping on a couch all day, never exploring or hunting or living his life?  Just because he is curious about one bad thing that kills him and took a risk doesn't mean that he died every other time. Just because you might get hurt doesn't mean you should never be curious and live your life.  You have to exercise caution along with curiosity, know the risks, and be able to accept the consequences.  To a curious person, even if the outcome is painful emotions, it's worth it because the curious person is seeking something different than safety and stability......

think that people who think curiosity is bad are boring and very mistaken about who they are.  God created me to be a curious person and I seek HIM the same way that I seek the rest of the world.  He made us all curious. The people who fear this trait are afraid of their own lack of self-control. Humans are curious by nature.  I have an appetite.  I seek information and wisdom because I am curious.  Boredom and a stale existence are like death to me.  I analyze, I feel, and I try to grow and make sense of the world around me....that's what makes me curious, not the fact that I am simply out looking for trouble and ways to mess myself up.  In fact, I love myself, and this is why I want to grow, every day.  I think that people make the mistake of attaching curiosity with self-destructive behavior and that's really not what it's about at all for me.  For example, if you are doing drugs you know will kill you, sleeping around seeking an STD, or breaking what you know happens to be the aren't being curious because you already know the outcome. Curiosity to me is having an innocent, bright-eyed view of the world with the feeling that you're not going to be as innocent on the way's truth seeking.  You have no idea what's on the other end, but you're open to it.  Curiosity is innocent because it lacks knowledge.  Wisdom is having knowledge, therefore you have grown once you've acquired it, and in turn, being less innocent. Being curious about the world does sometimes leave you thinking I wish I didn't know that because I was more innocent before or My ignorance was blissful.....but at the same time, you have the truth, which is the real reason you chased the rabbit down the hole to begin with. 

If you stay in your safe environments and don't experience new things and explore, how will you ever change?  I exercise self-control when I need to, I become wiser by making mistakes,  and I really do attempt to listen to the wisdom of others.  However,  there is one group of people that I don't take advice from regarding my life.   I don't tend to listen to "wisdom" that has come from someone who hasn't allowed themselves to be curious and who has always played it safe.   What don't you know about love if you're too afraid to fall and get hurt? What don't you know about your potential if you're too afraid to try anything new? What don't you know about growing if you refuse to allow yourself to leave your bubble?  I guess this is where my curiosity kicks in....I don't know about myself until I do, so I do.  When I don't, it's because I am either not curious or I am truly scared and it's stronger than my curiosity. I constantly try to rip down my walls though and I despise when they are there. 

You will fail sometimes, but sometimes you won't.  You will get hurt, but the experience is worth it if you can learn from it.  You will have regrets, but you will also have wisdom and you will appreciate the things you've accomplished. It will be dark going down that rabbit hole, but you'll wind up in Wonderland trying to make sense of yourself and the things around you.  You'll realize that there is a lot more to everything than the confines of your bubble. 

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