Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dating 101-Girls You Should & Shouldn't Be Marrying

Someone sent me the second link I have posted below; I thought it was pretty good and totally true.  Although when I read the first article she wrote, I had one question. Read them first and come back for my comments....

My comments on "Women Who Are Never Getting Married":

Maybe I'm hanging out with the right people or something because I don't know any girls like this. I mean, is she just talking about people on TV? Like Ke$ha? No guys I know would ever think about marrying a girl like that and if they exist, they may have sex with them. She isn't saying anything groundbreaking. I'm not sure I've ever met a girl like the ones she described, first of all. Secondly, isn't she kinda stating the obvious? I guess I need to go to more Raves or something.  If I would've talked about a girl who is never getting married, she would've looked very different. I know some of those, and they aren't sucking on lollipops and twerking. They have serious issues and won't be getting married. 

Another thing...the author says the only people who get upset about what she says are the ones who know it's true.  That's like a five-year-old saying "I know you are but what am I"....right? And she is wrong. You want to know what I was thinking while reading this? I was thinking one thing while reading it: "Don't tell me you've never used your boobs to get out of a speeding ticket". And then I looked for her picture to see if she was ugly. 

Let me explain further. She talked about using your sexuality to get ahead in life. Ok, well, every girl gets ahead in life because of her sexuality, unless she's ugly, and in that case, she's probably pretty pissed off that I just got off for going 25 miles over the speed limit. So are men. So what? This lady cannot deny that even smart women do it every day, even unintentionally. That's the way of the world. And according to her, these girls AREN'T getting ahead in life, because they're never getting married. And anyone who isn't getting married may as well die. Has this lady forgotten that it isn't the 60's and marriage isn't the ultimate goal anymore? "They're never getting married!" GASP!!!! Some people don't really care. Meanwhile, they are getting ahead of life....they got out of that speeding ticket.

Ok, so let's blame the men for being too sexual. Yeah! It's their fault! Screw them! Ok, that's not going to happen. They can respect us, but they're always going to have that urge to let a cute girl off with a warning. So I guess just don't be ugly. 

The sooner a girl realizes that she can be smarter than boys AND can have boobs, that's when she gets ahead. Don't fight nature, use it to your advantage. Yes, I was speeding. I went to college. And now I'm going to bat my eyelashes at this cop. Sounds pretty freaking smart to me.

By the way, how many models does this lady know? Very unoriginal picking on models, lady. That's just wrong....and boring. I would expect more substance since you write for a living....just sayin'.

My comments on Girls You Should Be Marrying: 

She is right here. And I'm not sure guys don't also know this. Aren't guys trying to marry girls like this? My thoughts are that you bang the bar skank, you marry the girl with the head on her shoulders. Right? I think that's the way it's always gone. (Unless the guy is 59 years old, rich, and snags the 22-year-old cocktail waitress named Bubbles.)

Then again, maybe this isn't what guys want. I read it to one of my guy friends and he said "Well who wants that?? A girl who doesn't need you?" I'm totally confused. Is that a good thing or a bad thing to not need someone else? I'm pretty independent and can do things for myself, so is that a bad thing? My goal is to be a whole person and "need" someone in more of an emotional way, like my heart wants them. But even then, I'm not going to fall apart if I can't have you. She said in the article, "she can be in a relationship, but doesn't need you". That sounds perfect to me. 

I read these and wondered if I'd fall into any of those categories, because I for damn sure don't fall in the first article. 

Comments? Rebuttal? Unlike this girl, I won't say "I know you are, but what am I". 

One last thing, I read the bio on the author. Cute, married....and I'll bet the guy cheats on her one day and has no balls. She seems like a total bitch. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to say about the first article. I don't know these women either, but they are definitely not marriage material. The second article is mostly an essay on female independence. Message: Strong, independent females are the only one's worth marrying. This is simply not true (although being married to one is nice). As a guy, and a successful guy, and a married guy, I can say that the number or type of degrees you have is not important. Whether you have your own money or not is not important, and her "best of both worlds" is kind of shallow. Men have always and will always want what Mark Twain called the perfect woman: She is a Mother, Sister, Nun and a Whore. No graduate degree required.
