Saturday, April 13, 2013

Just Like Heaven

I have a theory about something and I want to share it.  I know that it could sound crazy, but I swear there's something to it. 

I have often wondered why you cry when you are upset.  How does your body react physically in such a strong way?  Some people don't cry, but it doesn't mean that they don't feel.  Is this why some peoples' feelings come out in other ways, maybe even self-destructively?  Some people can't contain their emotions and it results in tears.  The scientific explanation as to why you cry is that your body physically becomes overwhelmed and it releases the emotions, quite tangibly, with tears.

The reason that I believe emotions come out in tangible ways, such as tears, is because I believe that emotions are tangible to begin with.  I could focus on all emotions here and swear that you can see hate and jealousy and any other emotion, because you can, but I am just going to focus on the best emotion known to man, the most important thing on the planet, and that is LOVE.  Love is just like Heaven. 

Love is most definitely a tangible thing.  You can see love; you can feel it and you can watch it grow, much like anything else alive.  Love can die just as it has a birth and when it's gone, it's hard to revive just like a person or a plant.  When love ends, you can see its reincarnation when you begin to love another—we have the ability to love again if we’ll allow ourselves.  You can see love in the way someone looks at you and feel it on your face when you look at them. You can see love in physical ways like affection, a card from your mother, or a moment with your child when you think you might die because your heart could explode.  If you love something intensely, you can physically feel it swelling in your body and the words "I love you" burst from your lips.  Not only do you say the words, but you react physically with hugs, kisses, and other displays.  Love is most definitely a tangible thing.

If love is a tangible thing and your body is the temple that houses it, what happens to that love that can't come out or that is in some way rejected and sent back to you?  Well I can tell you personally that it starts to swell within you and you cry.  You may miss someone or you may love them so much that you feel like you'll explode if you can't get rid of it. You can't move on, because it's sitting there like stagnant water.  You can't give it away to someone else or sell it like an old bicycle; this doesn't work because it's too valuable to you.  But you have to get rid of it to live your life.  So how?  I have found a way and you should try it. 

When I feel like I love or miss someone that isn't there, I take that tangible love and energy and send it out into the Universe to be delivered in whatever way it chooses.  I say a prayer for the person, whether it's hoping that the person has a good day or feels love pour over them.  Even if they have no idea where it's coming from, I just let it out and hope that it gets there.  I feel a release and feel somewhat in control of the energy in my body, and it really does help.  Plus, what if it gets delivered?  What if you say a prayer every moment that you are feeling sad about them and they are overcome with happiness, and of course, they don't know why they feel happy, but does that matter?  No.  What if you say a prayer for that person to have a good day and something really great happens to them?  Awesome.  It's a win-win scenario.  It doesn't matter whether or not they know it's from your prayer, because what you want for someone you love is to be happy even if you aren't there.  That's how love works.  It’s selfless.
I just finished a book called "Carry on Warrior, Thoughts on Life Unarmed" and the author, Glennon Doyle Melton, talks about the time when she explained Heaven to her little boy.  His fish died and he was upset.  She told him that she thinks Heaven is the place where we love each other perfectly.  On Earth, we are not capable of this, but we should try anyway.  The little boy says "Why does God put people and animals in our lives if he knows we're just going to lose them eventually?"  She responds, "We don't love people and animals because we will have them forever; we love them because loving them changes us, makes us better, healthier, kinder, realer.  Loving people and animals makes us stronger in the right ways and weaker in the right ways.  Even if people and animals leave, even if they die, they leave us better.  So we keep loving, even though we might lose, because loving them teaches us and changes us."  Well said.

I have taken yoga for a while and I really and truly believe that we are all balls of energy that God created.  Some of us are negative energy and some of us are positive energy; sometimes we have been both.  Some people make us feel drained, some people make us feel euphoric—there has to be something to that.  Namaste means "the divine spirit within me sees the divine spirit within you."  It means that you bow and respect the soul in front of you, and they do the same toward yours.  You are seeing someone's spirit and energy more than the physical body that is in front of you when you say "Namaste".  How beautiful is that?  Have you ever really been seen?  It’s a good feeling.  Have you ever been loved or loved yourself?  There’s nothing like loving another soul…the kind of love that is completely independent of any outside factors, like their physical body.

That saying "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved" is annoying, but true.  It makes us better, and love sent out into the Universe is a tangible thing that we all want a piece of.  So let's set it free for each other. 

You know this had to be on here.....I didn't plan it this way, it just worked magic.  The Cure, ahhhh.  Love.

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