Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Top 10-What My Agenda Would Look Like on the Last Day of the World

So apparently this Friday is supposed to be the end of the world. Even though God says no one will know what day that is, everyone thinks they know. Typical human behavior, right? I think it would be more likely to happen on Saturday. I could see us all like "Yay! We made it! We're still here.....oh crap." 

Anyway, I began thinking about what my agenda would look like if I knew it was the end of the world and I didn't have to go to work. I think my list wouldn't look far from the things I already like to do. I would want to make sure that I did the things that make me ME. Here are the things I would write down in my agenda, if I knew it was the last day of the world. 

1.) Hold the kids. Make sure they know you love them more than life itself

2.) Go to yoga to breathe, relax and meditate

3.) Pray and repent. Apologize to everyone you've hurt. Tell everyone how much you love them, especially those who don't know

4.) Have sex on Turner Field

5.) Go to Krispy Kreme

6.) Go skydiving 

7.) Go into a library and yell a profanity 

8.) Dance

9.) Get a tattoo 

10.) Laugh and smile, all day. Be goofy.

One of my friends says he'd go into a china shop and shatter some fine dining dishes and then he'd try to out run the cops. I told him I'd go with him after we steal a bad ass car because I would still be too scared to drive over 90 mph by myself, but that it would be fun.  Actually, I still wouldn't steal a car because I would be afraid I'd go to Hell. I also told him that the cops probably wouldn't chase him because they wouldn't care. They'd be at Krispy Kreme with me.  Then he said after he stole a car, he'd  let all of animals out at the zoo.  That's awesome.  Now, my list would look a lot different if I weren't afraid of Hell.  I would break into Tiffany's.  I would hunt down Channing Tatum and slip him a date rape drug.  But.....I do believe in Hell.

Yeah, my agenda is boring, but I would be doing everything with monkeys and lions running around because Travis let them out.  


  1. Very funny my daughter. I would gather all of my kids and grandkids together in front of the fireplace and watch the Wizard of Oz and eat popcorn and pray that the Lord would take us all in one fell swoop together to heaven while we were hugging and smiling and laughing and giggling like we always do. (very long run-on sentence....I do know better). After that, nothing else too much matters.

  2. And leave me alone to fight off the Zombie hoards? Thanks momma J ;)

  3. If I saw zombies for real, I'd jump off a cliff.
