Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Top 10 Ways the World Would Be Different if I Ruled It (Or if Girls did in General)

1.)    There Wouldn't Be Wars-Girls fight differently.  We would all sit down together, talk it all out, and decide that if someone is not cooperating, we would just shut them out of the World’s circle and not trade with them.  “OMG, China, did you hear what Venezuela did?? Don’t talk to them until they stop.”  We are really good at remembering our enemies and everything that they have done and we’re sort of like the Mafia in that we're killers who come with smiles.  (Thank you, Henry Hill from Good Fellas.)  We would just shut them out, simple as that.  If you don’t want to participate in a positive conversation and if you don't want to behave, then I guess you’ll be all alone at recess.  No one likes you!
2.)    We would not only have a Take Your Daughter to Work Day, but one for Sons-In general, I think that this Male vs. Female thing isn’t working.  We don’t need to forget about boys all together.  Men are wonderful and bring a lot of good qualities that women don’t have.  We need to teach them not to behave as gorillas, to respect women, and a way to do that is to teach EQUALITY to both sexes.  How can you preach equality to women while bashing men?  It’s so stupid.  I love my boys and they are awesome in ways that I have never been.  And really, does anyone like a woman who hates men?  NO!  They’re bitter old hags who have a million cats and eat frosting directly from the container.

Dylan, My Hero. :)
3.)    I look at all children as if they were my own.-I’m not saying that men don’t care about the children of the world, but I will tell you something….if I were president, I would not be able to bomb someplace where a child is laying there, sleeping, totally innocent and sweet.  The thought of taking a mother’s child from them and taking a child’s life makes me sick.  I would stick to bombing the people who actually enter the military….but I wouldn’t need to bomb anyone, because the women leaders would use the silent treatment and lack of trade as weapons. 
4.)    I Value Education for Girls-Obviously, we are empathetic to girls because we ARE girls.  We have walked in each others’ shoes and if we haven’t, we have the ability to imagine it.  We understand why we need support to become successful, and we understand why education helps us to have better lives, and as a result, we can offer better lives to our children.  Studies show that if you educate women, men’s lives are also better.  There is less crime, less poverty, less violence, and more production.  My dad wanted me to be smart and successful, but not all men are like that because they are about one DNA strand short from being a Gorilla, pounding their chests and grunting.  If we could just lock these men up, we would be better off.  They’re morons and they hurt people.  As soon as we are sexual objects and forced to become hookers (this happens to 12-year-olds around the world every day), our lives are over.  American girls are so lucky.  We need to help other girls, simple as that. We need to be empathetic, since the gorillas are not.
5.)    I am not power hungry-It’s important for me to state right now that I am making generalizations; obviously, I don’t mean all of this across the board.  So now that I have said this, have you ever noticed how men have a natural instinct to rule and conquer?  It’s not a coincidence that there are always more men in office; it's because they have a desire to be powerful.  It’s scientific.  It’s normal.  Men want to be powerful in their jobs, in their household, and in their bedrooms.  We are not instinctually like that.  So maybe the world needs girls who want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE and are not seeking power and respect.   Need proof of this?  Ever heard of penis envy? Napoleon complex?  Do we have vagina envy?  No.  No one is jealous of someone’s big vagina….in fact, I doubt that we think much about how different they can be.  I certainly don’t.  Therefore, this could not be brought into politics.  Next time you hear a huge truck, burning fossil fuels, look in the window, look at the driver, and just know that there is something that guy is compensating for….I know you already do.  Right?  Or is it just me?
6.)    Mothers are great negotiators-We have the ability to break up fights and come up with solutions that everyone can be happy with.  I think that we try to be fair.  Period.  We problem solve in order to make everyone happy. 
7.)    The deficit may get worse-Since I am making a lot of generalizations here for humor’s sake, I will do it again and say that girls like shoes.  This MAY be a problem when it comes to spending the World’s money.  We would definitely be in trouble if I were in charge.  We’d starve for sure.  I would not pay attention to this aspect, BUT Warren Buffett would be my Chief Financial Advisor.
8.)    Capital Punishment would be more humane, yet more creative-I know a lot of moms who when their kids fight, come up with the most creative punishments.  One mother I know gave the kids wipes and sent them to clean baseboards.  She said “When you meet in the middle, you can stop.”  I have done that.  I would be humane to criminals, but they would not be sitting there like lumps of crap, working out and eating on the tax-payer’s dollar.  I would put them to work.  I would also educate them so that when they got out, they would have a different way of making a living and understand that there is a better life out there for them.  Also, I would educate people BEFORE they are in a bad situation.  I am all about prevention.  BUT there is something I would do that is not humane.  And I mean it with all of my heart.  I would do it myself if someone touched my child…..If you use your penis as a weapon on a child, or on a woman, guess what….you lose it. BYE BYE!  Hope it was worth it because NOW you don’t have a penis.  If you use your hand to molest a child….GUESS WHAT!  Your violin-playing days are over.  Oh, and you will rot in prison forever.  Forever.  No parole.  You’re sick, you’re beyond help, and I will let you sit there until God spares you and decides your fate.  Absolutely disgusting and I have no heart for people like this.
9.)    I would reward people for doing good deeds-So much of the world is backwards.  I think you should practice positive reinforcement whenever you can and stop making it easy for the lazy while making it tough for those trying to do well for themselves.  A little tough love goes a long way and rewarding good deeds just makes sense.
10.) People wouldn’t starve-Why are people starving to death?  I don’t get it.  Get those a-hole men apes out of office and bring some food to their people.  It’s ridiculous.  We have enough food.  It’s not right.  It makes me sick. 

I have posted this before, but I am doing it's powerful.


  1. I tried to post this the other day when I read this....but food for thought....boys are actually falling behind girls in achievement and graduation rates in the last couple of decades. We've focused so much on the girls who didn't receive equal opportunities in education and the workplace, that things have shifted a bit to making things unequal for boys. We need not to forget that mothers raising strong boys is VERY important. Who are these well educated, powerful and capable girls going to marry if they decide to get marry?
