Saturday, December 15, 2012

Three Lies About Girls

I make blanket statements on this blog a lot, mainly because making generalizations are funny and sometimes true.  However, I have a bone to pick about a couple.  These generalizations are lies and I just have to jot them down.  Now keep in mind, I am NOT knocking men.  I am defending myself, even though no one is attacking me.  My friends and I have talked about this over and over and I just feel the need to say something about it.

  1. Women are complicated, Men are not-This is not true!  I just do not understand this.  Who said this and why did it stick?  It is a lie!  If I feel something; I say it.  I tell you exactly what is wrong with me when I am upset, I tell you exactly what I like, what I don't like, what I feel, what I want, why I am pissed, why I am crying, and if I am not sure why I am acting crazy and illogical and crying, I then admit it's because of hormones.  I ADMIT it and I say "Just ignore me, I am crying because I am about to get my damn period."  How does saying exactly what's up make you complicated?  Is it because I am not retarded and you are?  I just don't get it.  It's a lie.  If men do something, they can't even give you a reason why they did it!  How does this make any sense?  You can ask them a question and they either dodge it and say "I'm done talking" or they give you some stupid answer that makes you dumber.  (Sometimes....remember, I am not making blanket statements.)
This must represent IQ points or something. 
I just don't understand this.

2. Women turn men down for sex constantly-This is not true.  Another lie.  Who are these women?  This is not what's happening.  Women, actually, seem to be more into it and it seems like a lot of men don't keep up.  I am so confused about where this lie came from.  Our grandmas?  Please explain this to me. 

3. Men are logical, Women are not-I will admit that this is sometimes true.  I only know this because I think girls are dumb sometimes and that they play games and they can be really immature even as old ladies.  However, it is not all of us.  I feel like there are a lot of logical girls who really make an attempt to stop and think before they feel and react from emotion.  I have heard "girls play games" but I don't really understand that.  It seems to me that men play a lot of games....the difference?  They don't know why they are doing it and girls do.  (Or so it seems.)

This is why generalizations are bad.  We aren't all the same.  It is frustrating to be one of these girls and to do exactly the opposite of what a guy expects.  What happens a lot is that these girls intimidate men....they don't know what to do with you because I don't know, you make too much sense?  It must be a trick if you are being upfront!  Haha.   Thinking back on all of my relationships, I was very clear about everything I ever felt, wanted, and does no good if the receiving end doesn't care or listen. That doesn't make me complicated. 

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