Monday, June 27, 2011

Sick as a Dog

Who in the world catches a cold at the beach?  I do.  I got a sore throat at the end of vacation and now it’s a full-blown cold.  I am sick as a dog.  What a stupid expression, “Sick as a dog”.  I don’t know any dogs that catch colds, do you?  And if they do, they don’t feel worse than we do, so where does the stupid expression come from?  I don’t recall having to give my dogs DayQuil, but I still walk around saying that I am "sick as a dog”.  Maybe the expression comes from the fact that when we feel so sick we could just walk ourselves into a vet and have them put us to sleep?  It’s as stupid as that “slept like a baby” expression.  Last time I checked babies don’t sleep well, right?  Obviously, I am in a terrific mood.  I will write again when I am feeling better and when I am ready to get back into the swing of things. 

I think I am going to have to back off of “Cheers” for a while.  Sam, Diane, and the wonderful Dr. Frasier Crane were in my dreams last night.  They were at the beach together.  I have to admit, the dialogue was top-notch and pretty damn funny.

I’m heading back to bed. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

attenuate \uh-TEN-yoo-eyt\, verb:
1. To weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value
2. To make thin; make slender or fine.
3. In medicine, to render less virulent, as a strain of pathogenic virus or bacterium.
4. In electronics, to decrease the amplitude of an electronic signal.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Stuck like Glue

Have you ever heard that Sugarland song “Stuck like Glue”?  It’s stuck in my head and I can’t get it out.  I’ll tell you why.....

It would be asinine to even mention once more that Logan and Lindsey fight because if you are a true follower of this blog or know me at all you already know that they are horrible to one another, however I can’t help mentioning it again.  They fight over the big things like “He broke my DS” and “She told my friends I wet the bed” and the small things like who is going to push the stupid elevator button.  Who cares, is what I would like to know.  Who cares what color lollipop you get at the bank?  Food dye is bad for you and they taste the same anyway.  Who cares about who gets the first hot plate out of the microwave?  Have I ever starved you before?  Who cares about who gets to brush their teeth first?  Your teeth aren’t going to rot out of your mouth within the five minutes it takes the other one to brush.  Who cares if he got 4 crayons and you got 3 and a half?  You still have four colors!  Who cares if her piece of cake is ¾ of a millimeter bigger than your slice?  You look ridiculous comparing them and even more ridiculous fighting about it!  It never ends, it goes on and on like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from.  When I was pregnant with them I had these visions of them being friends……I’ve never been more wrong in my life.  Every moment of their life is a competition and up to this point there’s been no solution.  I beat myself up for a while.  I thought that it was my fault, and then I realized that I have always tried to treat them fairly.  I even made sure that they had the same amount of socks in their drawers before they were born, because Heaven forbid that one of the newborns found out they were cheated out of a pair of socks.  Seriously, I did that.  If one got something, I bought the other something else.  Maybe it is my fault that they think that life is supposed to be even and fair.  Well since when is life fair? 

There’s a new plan in the works.  They have to be with each other at all times.  Logan is attached to Lindsey and wherever she goes, he goes, and vice versa.  They will do this indefinitely.  I am getting so upset from the fighting that my heart feels like it’s skipping beats and jumping.  Peyton is tired of the fighting and so are the babies.  They are also tired of me yelling and constantly punishing Logan and Lindsey; it’s stressful for all of us and they need to understand that they are impacting the whole family negatively.  They will learn to get along and work together, and if they can’t, well then they will continue to be attached to each other.  We thought that when we moved and they got their own bedrooms that the fighting would get better, but it’s actually gotten worse. 

We are going on vacation for a week, and even on vacation they will be stuck together like glue.  I will not be blogging until I get back, so I hope that everyone has an amazing week!  I hope that I come back feeling refreshed and that Logan and Lindsey have learned to get along…..I’m not holding my breath, but I am hopeful.  I hope that I have nice stories to write about.

I have to take Carson to the doctor this morning because he was breaking out into hives yesterday morning and I need to see what’s going on before we leave.  The boys had a stomach virus and my guess is that it’s tied to that somehow.  I don’t remember which one of my kids had this before, but I know that one of them did and the doctor said that there wasn’t anything we could do about it.  I noticed that Carson’s neck was splotchy at story time at the library yesterday and I immediately checked his chest and back—sure enough, he was splotchy.  By the time we got home he had a giant hive on his cheek and one between his eyes on the arch of his nose.  The nurse told me to give him Benadryl and that if it didn’t get better to bring him in.  It immediately went away, but he was still a little splotchy on his chest and back pretty much all day.  He didn’t have anything weird to eat, so it wasn’t a food allergy.  Anyway, I need to go call the doctor.  Have a great week!

Here’s the Word of the Day, ok now this is just weird.  These are emailed to me, I don’t go digging for them.  Touch or join at the edge?  Come on, is that not perfect for this entry???:


uh-buht\ , verb;
To be adjacent; touch or join at the edge or border.
To end at.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer's Downfall

I love all five children being home right now, but I have one giant thing to complain about—actually, a couple of things.  I am running the damn dishwasher three times a day and still waking up to dirty dishes.  How is this possible?  What are we running here, a food kitchen for the homeless?  I have decided to start buying paper products because I feel like all I am doing is cleaning that kitchen all day.  I don’t use them because I figure with the amount of diapers I am using I am already contributing to the garbage problem enough and it’s just another expense that I figure we don’t need.  Well, we’re using them this summer.  This is ridiculous.

My other complaint is that the big kids are like “Woohoooooo!  It’s summer!  No bed time!”  I said that we were going to have a bedtime and get up at a decent time and that we weren’t wasting the summer sleeping (I sound like my mom) but for whatever reason, it hasn’t happened.  I have yelled every night, but last night I went psychotic because I was so sick of them being up and being loud.  The babies can’t go to sleep when the big kids are playing, fighting, running down the hall, and laughing (that would be Logan).  I came out of the boys’ room after Logan had just woken Carson and I screamed at him and Lindsey for slamming doors and fighting.  Remember that it was after 10:30, it’s not like it was 8:00.  These babies need sleep so they won’t be cranky and so their brains can grow!  And as for me, I already work 24 hours a day and I need a break and I need a routine.  I don’t need Logan staying up until midnight when his medicine has worn off some time during the afternoon, which is what I told him while I was screaming.  Don calmed me down and he sent them to bed.  I want at least an hour with no children, and sleeping doesn’t count.  I want ONE hour of being awake with no children at night to hang out with Don or read a book or to do something that doesn’t require cooking anything, cleaning anything, or breaking up a fight. 

I know one thing about myself and especially at this stage in my life.  I need structure as much as these babies (ok, toddlers) do, or I will act like they do when they are tired—like a big baby. 

Don’s friend told me a couple of days ago that someone once said to him “Brit has it so easy, she stays at home” and he said that he told the person that he would never take my job and that it’s the hardest job in the world.  It was nice hearing that and knowing that not everyone thinks I sit around filing my nails all day!  I absolutely love being home with the kids, but some days are rough.  Logan and Lindsey are so much harder than Carson and Dylan and their fighting is the reason that I am so exhausted.  It’s awful.  They are like a 75-year-old married couple and I feel completely drained since they have been out of school.  I haven’t even wanted to go to the gym because I feel so tired.  I still go because it gives me energy.

I may be taking a little break from this blog and working on a new one.  I have named it “The Chenault Ledger” and I am going to write news articles five days a week for 30 days.  I won’t quit this blog, but will have to take a break because I don’t think that I will have enough time to keep up with both.  I also want to find some time to write some fiction, but I don’t have time for that either.  I will let you know when I decide. 

One more thing.....I have mentioned several times that I am watching "Cheers".  Don and I were watching it a couple of weeks ago and Sam and Diane were fighting; it was that famous scene before they kiss.  Sam says that she never shuts up and always has to have the last word, and he started timing her to see if she could be completely quiet for 10 seconds.  She lost.  So anyway, Don and I have this joke now that I am Diane and he is Sam.  When Don first said that I was like her I denied it because she is so smart, but then the longer I watched I realized that although I have not read Tolstoy (yet), there are similarities.  I cannot shut up.  Don is right.  So last night we were all sitting in the living room and somehow we ended up making a bet.  He said "I'll bet you a pair of shoes that you can't be quiet for 30 minutes."  Well, I did it.  And here's the funny was so hard to stay quiet, and when the 30 minutes passed I actually felt like I needed to catch up because I had been silent for so long.  I did.  I thought "What were all of the things that I wanted to say?  I have to say them!"  Of course, that's ludicrous, so I fought the urge.  I was proud of myself and to be honest, it was sort of nice not being allowed to talk because Don had to tell the kids what to do.  HA!

Here’s the Word of the Day:

brindled \BRIN-dld\, adjective:
Gray or tawny with darker streaks or spots.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ever After

Lindsey and I watched "Ever After" last night.  My friends and I went to see it in high school and Brea and I watched it every single weekend after it came out on DVD, or was it VHS?  HA!  Can't remember.  It was like 1999, so I don't think it was VHS, right?  What's my age again?  Anyway, I told Brea in a text last night that we were watching it.  She said "She'll probably watch it over and over again like we did!"  I fell asleep at the end of the movie and woke up to find Lindsey watching it for a second time, so I guess she liked it.  She just asked me two seconds ago if we could watch it again today.  For those of you who have never seen it, it is the REAL story of Cinderella.  It stars Drew Barrymore and Anjelica Huston.

I finished "Never Let me Go" last night.  It was extremely depressing and I was really upset by it.  Read it if you want to feel like throwing up, too.  The idea of cloning human beings and taking their organs is repulsive.  The novel is on my list of 1001 books to read, so I read it.  It is well written and it's gripping, but the ideas in it are sickening.  After you finish the book you can watch the movie, which I will not be doing.  I don't feel like going through that again.  Kiera Knightley is in the movie, so I assume it's well done.  I like her as an actress.

I woke up feeling sick and now Carson is throwing up.  One of these days I am going to go back through this blog and count the amount of times that someone gets sick every month.  Dylan threw up Monday night. 

Here's the Word of the Day:

crotchet \KROCH-it\, noun:
1. An odd fancy or whimsical notion.
2. A small hook.
3. In British musical nomenclature, a quarter note.
4. A curved surgical instrument with a sharp hook.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Water Ballet, No Water

Every Tuesday morning I go to Pilates for a good beating.  I have talked about this instructor many times since I have been blogging; she’s absolutely the best instructor of all time.  I love her so much that I always make sure to wear my tennis shoes so that if she isn’t there I can run or do something else.  I have a hard time going to other Pilates classes because they suffer in comparison.  This morning I wore flip-flops to class for some odd reason and she wasn’t there!  In fact, the worst instructor on the face of the planet was there and I had to leave during the warm-up because it looked like we were doing water ballet, minus the water.  She has a heavy accent and she’s probably around 75 years old.  Apparently the only requirement to teach at my gym is that you have a pulse.  Like I said, I had to leave, which means that I probably crushed her feelings and now I feel bad about it.  One of the instructors told me that I have “beautiful form” and that I should teach.  Maybe I should…..thinking about it.  I have a hard time counting while I work out though—just when you think that dumb blonde jokes are ridiculous! 
I am cleaning and doing more laundry today.  I am also hoping that I can finally finish my book.  I am reading “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro.  It’s really good, but it’s disturbing and it’s affecting me a lot.  It’s about a community of students that grow up away from the outside world (in England) and have no idea that they were only created to be organ donors.  They are clones and one day they have to donate their organs to the person they were cloned from.  It feels so real because it’s told in first person and it’s really upsetting.  Not only do they have to die, but they have to care for each other while they are giving their “donations”.   Sometimes I wonder if the world will ever do something like this.  I hope I am dead by then.
Here’s the Word of the Day:

orison \AWR-uh-zuhn\, noun:
A prayer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend in a Nutshell

The title reminds me of Austin Powers. "Help!  I'm in a nutshell!  How did I get into this nutshell?"  Ha ha.  Something is up with the spacing and I am not sure how to fix it, so oh well.

Friday night Logan had his party.  He had four boys over and they were complete sweethearts.  We went to the pool (I had 9 children, by the way, which was interesting) and then they camped out in the backyard for a little while and made Smores.  The plan was to sleep in the tents the entire night, but Logan told a stupid ghost story that made everyone want to come in.  The next morning we had breakfast and two of the boys went home.  I took the other two boys and my kids to the pool again.  (So, I was down to seven children.)  We stayed at the pool until Dylan started crying because he was tired.  When we got home one of the boys left.  Then Logan went home with the other boy, so I was down to four children.  I had to drop Lindsey, Peyton, Carson and Dylan off with Don’s dad because they were babysitting that night.  Don and I had a wedding to go to.  It was a lot of fun, but mainly because Kerri was there.  Here are some pictures that Don’s friend, David, sent to me.  Actually, David is the one with Don. 

Today I am playing catch up with the house and the laundry.  I can’t even discuss the laundry, it turns my stomach thinking about how fast it piles up around here.  All I did was the laundry and clean yesterday and it still looks like the house exploded.  I am going to the gym this morning and this afternoon the kids and I are going to the library because they are having a bird event.  I know that Carson and Dylan will LOVE to see birds up close.  They go crazy when they see one outside my bedroom window; there is a tree right up against the house.  I’m sure that the big kids won’t appreciate it much, but I told them that their little brothers are only little for a bit and then they won’t want to do this kind of stuff. 

And I am still trying to get the videos off of the camera.  Don is doing it for me, but it takes a long time and we are always short on time.  I wish you could literally buy time.  Wouldn’t that be cool?

Oh, the last picture is of me, Larry, and Kerri.  Larry is the sweetest guy and the funniest drunk.  He was SOOOOO drunk when we took this picture, which is why he had his glasses on.  Just before this was taken he told a guy that he "looked like he just sang a song" and the guy looked at him like he was strange; he was confused.  Well, Larry was looking at the guy's tux and he had on the long, Broadway-type tux.  You know, the long penguin tail?  It was funny.  Then he told one guy that he looked like Pee-Wee Herman, which he didn't.  The guy looked at me and laughed and said "Was he talking to me?"  I said that he was, but not to take it personally.  I said "You don't look like Pee-Wee at all, he's just drunk."  Luckily the man was nice enough to understand what huge amounts of alcohol do to a person! 

Here’s the Word of the Day and I have posted pictures below:

cosher \KOSH-er\, verb:
To treat with special fondness.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm Terrible....

I have had a crazy weekend, which I will talk about tomorrow.  Sometimes I wish I hadn't made this blog a daily occurence!  I missed yesterday because I had a wedding to go to and today I have to catch up on the laundry.  It's embarrassing how big the pile is!  I would take a picture, but I never want to be able to remember the amount of dirty clothing sitting on the floor.  Logan had his party on Friday night and after the week that we had, geeeez.  I'll be playing catch up all week.  Here's the Word of the Day:

arroyo \uh-ROI-oh\, noun:
A small steep-sided gulch with a nearly flat floor: usually dry except after heavy rains.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Busy Day, Just a Word....

umbra \UHM-bruh\, noun:
1. The invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of a person or thing.
2. Shade; shadow.
3. In astronomy, the complete shadow of an opaque body, as a planet, where the direct light from the source of illumination is completely cut off.
4. A phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something not physically present; ghost; spectral image.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shut up about Weiner!

Is anyone getting tired of the Weiner jokes?  What are we, five?  I swear, we're all adults with third grade mentality.  It was funny for the first week or so, but come on now.  Haha, very funny, his name is Weiner and soon he'll have a baby Weiner to take care of .  HAAAAA!  I said that!  That was funny!  I said Baby Weiner!  I could sort of understand the Clinton scandal, but this guy isn't even important.  Yes, it was wrong, so fire him and move on to the next joke.  I'm bored now.  Time to laugh about butts.

Here's the Word of the Day:

lucubrate \LOO-kyoo-breyt\, verb:
1. To work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.
2. To write learnedly.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

I got up this morning, took Lindsey to camp, and dropped the boys off with Libbie.  I ran to the gym and burned my butt for a little bit….seriously, it hurts, then I scrambled to get to the hair salon by 9:00.  I got there and the salon is closed!   My sweet hair dresser (also my friend) forgot to put me down and she’s now trying to figure out when she can squeeze in my 20 lbs. of hair, poor thing. 
Logan and Lindsey had a great birthday.  Thank you for all of your birthday wishes!  I know how loved they are!  Lindsey is upset this morning, even after a great birthday.  Today is Wacky Wednesday at dance camp and she didn’t look wacky enough!  The other girls looked crazier!  It’s always something!  Geeeez. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

cater-cousin \KEY-ter-kuhz-uhn\, noun:
An intimate friend.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday, Logan and Lindsey!

I really can't believe that I had them 10 years ago.  They grow up so fast!  I can't believe that at one point they both fit into this basket and now they crush me if they sit on me!  It's so crazy!

Happy Birthday, Logan and Lindsey.  If you ever read this one day......I thank God for you every day of my life.  You have made my life wonderful and made my dreams come true!  I have enjoyed watching you grow up so far and since you won't slow down and you keep on growing, I will just have to savor the next 8 years of your childhood.  Happy 10th Birthday!  I love you and I am so proud of you both.



Here's the Word of the Day:

wiredrawn \WAH-yuhr-drawn\, adjective:
1. Finely spun; extremely intricate; minute.
2. Drawn out long and thin like a wire.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Word of the Day

I did nothing yesterday and it felt great.  I watched "Cheers" and took a nap.  I was so tired from the weekend!  I am getting Lindsey ready right now for dance camp.  Videos tomorrow........

pecksniffian \pek-SNIF-ee-uhn\, adjective:
Hypocritically and smugly affecting benevolence or high moral principles.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lindsey's Recital

Today I am going to work on getting all of the videos off of the video camera and I am not going to write much.  Lindsey’s recital was yesterday and although she danced beautifully, she said that she was nervous this year.  She said it felt different because the stage was scary, meaning big and lots of people.  It was downtown at the Alliance; it’s beautiful.  I told her that there weren’t any more people than there usually are, but it was stadium seating and I think it was closer to the stage or something.  She has never once complained about being nervous or scared, but I could see in her face that she was nervous.  And every year she dances her little butt off at the rehearsal and smiles and just does her thing, but every year at the recital she watches the teacher on the side of the stage—just because she’s there.  Next year she won’t be able to do that and I am so glad!  Lindsey doesn’t need a crutch and she doesn’t dance as well with it!  Don’t get me wrong, she did well, there’s just a difference in how she dances.  She looks nervous and doesn’t trust herself when that teacher is there; when the teacher isn’t there she just dances.  However, in ballet she never seems to look over at the teacher.  She’s taken ballet for the longest, for 6 years already, so maybe she’s the most comfortable.  That’s just crazy to me that next year will be her 7th year dancing.  Next year she’ll be in her 7th year of ballet, her 6th year of tap and 4th or 5th year of Jazz, I can’t remember how long she’s taken Jazz.  And she’ll be 10 on Tuesday! 

We saw her 4th grade teacher at the recital yesterday and she said "You thought you were rid of me, Lindsey!"  I took some pictures of them; I will also post them.  I brought Lindsey's friend, Kennedy, with me to the recital.  She wants to dance now, so I guess she enjoyed herself!

A long time ago I wrote about words and how powerful they are.  My mom sent me this link, check it out.

Here’s the Word of the Day:

pangram \PAN-gruhm\, noun:
A sentence, verse, etc., that includes all the letters of the alphabet.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lindsey's Party

I am pleasantly surprised that I am up and feeling great!  Lindsey had eight friends over for a slumber party and I am happy to report that they were all sleeping by midnight.  But before I talk about the party I have to talk about the crasher.

Lindsey invited eight girls and one couldn’t come, so we expected seven.  We were all waiting in the living room for the last little girl when the doorbell rang.  Lindsey runs to the door expecting her and she sees a girl that was not invited.  Now, you have to understand that I sent e-vites  out and pretty much personally talked to all of the parents.  The little girl comes in and says “Can I put my stuff upstairs?”  After we all stood there confused for a minute I said “Yes, Lindsey take her upstairs.”  The little girl went outside to tell her mom she could stay and Lindsey looked at me and said “What is she doing her?  I didn’t invite her” and the girls were like “NO!  She’s mean to me!”  Several of them didn’t want her there.  Lindsey said that she heard her telling another girl about the party and that that is the only thing that was said about it.  The other girl said “Yeah, Lindsey didn’t invite her, but she heard us talking.”  This little girl has teased Lindsey about certain clothes, she teased her when she wore glasses, and apparently she teases everyone else too.  I told the girls to be nice and be quiet and I went outside.  I waved, the mom got out of the car and said “We had a hard time finding the house without the address.”  (I’ll bet you did, weirdo!)  She said “I don’t like dropping her off without the invitation, but we found the house.”  I said “Yeah.”  It was one of the most awkward and bizarre situations that I have ever been in.  I was nice because I didn’t know what else to do.  The kid obviously knew what she was doing, but the mom couldn’t have.  Who would do that to their kid, right?  But I said “I told everyone in the e-vite that pick-up is at 10.  We’re going to the pool and then we’ll be back after it closes.”  She left, I didn’t  even have her number. 

Not even 30 minutes into the party, this girl told one of the little girls that she “sucked in Willy Wonka” and that the other girl’s "back-flip sucked”.  I pulled her out of the pool and said that we weren’t going to have drama and that if any of the girls are rude, they would go home.  She denied it and told me that all of the girls were lying.  Whatever.  I even heard her make one of the comments.  Well, the mom walks up to the gate with a present.  The girl runs outside and signs the card, tells her mom her version, and they come back.  When the girl left I asked her if she could talk to her daughter about being polite and told her that she had upset a couple of the guests.  She gave me an evil look, said “We should just go home” and I said “Well, she’s more than welcome to stay, but I have told all of the girls that there won’t be any drama or hurt feelings.  I am not dealing with that tonight.  My daughter just wants to have a good time.  I feel uncomfortable saying anything to you, but maybe if you talk to her we won’t have any other issues.”  She told her to behave and that was it.  None of the girls complained anymore; we had a great night.  Is that not BIZARRE???  Turns out, the dad is in jail and the family has a lot of issues, one of the girls told me in secret.

Three of the girls hung out with me and Lindsey came up and said “Why are you hanging out with my mom?  Come swim!”  They’re like “We love your mom!”  Lindsey told me later that I was ruining her party because her friends liked me too much.  Well, SORRY!  You can’t win.  Kids either get embarrassed by their parents or they’re too cool!   All I did was sit there, not even swimming!  One of the guys at the pool came up to me and said “I thought those were your daughters or something, I thought it was so funny that she said ‘stop hanging out with my mom!’ I was laughing!”  He thought it was cool because I can get to know who she’s hanging out with and what they’re like…..that’s the plan.  Lindsey has the most adorable friends ever.  They are smart, funny, and ridiculously cute.  The three that were talking to me said that Lindsey is the nicest girl and she’s never mean to anyone, except Logan.  One of them said that she tells her not “to be such a doormat” and that Lindsey bottles it up.  She said “I tell her you can’t let it bottle up like that or you’ll explode!  Sometimes you have to let it out, man!”  She’s hilarious.  I was surprised to hear that about Lindsey.  I would never have thought that she is like that at school.   I always ask "Well what did YOU do" when she says someone is mean to her.  She has sweet friends; she's lucky.  One of the girls is a history buff and has a blog.  They are all so adorable; I love this age. 

We walked home from the pool and everyone got changed and ready for bed.  We ate cake, opened presents and pretty much got cozy and settled for bed.  When the movie was over I sat in the middle of the room until they went to sleep.  I let them watch the movie in peace; I just came in when the lights went out. 

That was the party!  Everyone is waking up now so I have to go make cinnamon rolls and get everyone going.  I promised the girls that I would braid their hair and one of them wants me to paint their toenails.

By the way, the boys all had an awesome time with Don.  Dylan got so much attention from the girls, he ATE it up.  Carson and Peyton were sleeping when we got back from the pool and stayed asleep.  Logan served the girls popcorn and cleaned up after them.  He was sweet and the girls were like “Awwwww, Logan’s being so adorable!”  He scored some points, definitely. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

foist \FOIST\, verb:
1. To force upon or impose fraudulently or unjustifiably.
2. To bring, put, or introduce surreptitiously or fraudulently.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Killing Us Softly

I will be extremely busy tomorrow so consider this Friday's post.  I have to drive to Alabama and back and Lindsey's slumber party is tomorrow night. 

My future bro-in-law sent this to me.  It's worth watching.  I have heard everything that the lady says many times before, but I still fall victim.  I look at photos in magazines and for some reason  forget that no one looks like the images in them. 

Another Crazy Day

I love Steven Tyler, and Aerosmith will always remain one of my favorites, but has anyone heard his new song “Feels So Good”?  It sounds like a Sprite commercial.  Here's the link:

We are not yet feeling like it's summer.  Yesterday we were so busy!  We woke up, got ready and went to the dentist.  Logan and Lindsey didn't have any cavities, so that was positive, but the nightmare at the front desk, ughhhhhhh.  Basically, the person who scheduled the appointment has 2 IQ points and apparently that's only enough to answer a phone.  He scheduled Lindsey for 10:20 and Logan at 3:30.  Why would a mother of five authorize that?  Oh, and they had his last name wrong so they couldn't even find him at first.  They confirmed the appointment and I confirmed it the day before.  They were being pretty difficult and I was very irritated.  I told them that if they didn't see him that I would never come back.  They found someone to clean his teeth.  After that we had to pick up Logan's ADHD meds and let me tell you.......they work.  For the past couple of days he has been out of the medication and he was so much trouble.  He toasted a piece of bread WITH A SLICE OF CHEESE so I had melted cheese all over the toaster.  That's just an example of what happens around here when he isn't medicated.  This is the same kid that scored so high on those tests.  I reminded him that this thing called "gravity" pulls the melting cheese down with it and that it doesn't stay on the bread.  As soon as he took the medicine yesterday I started seeing a difference.  Thank God for Concerta.  After our running around we had lunch and I made dinner so I could just stick it in the oven when we got home.  We went downtown for Lindsey's rehearsal, got stuck in traffic on the way back, and we ate when we got home.  After a crazy day I decided to go to the gym.  I guess there's a reason why you don't run after you eat.  Oh gosh, I thought I was going to puke! 

By the way, Lindsey's dance recital is downtown this year at the Alliance Theatre.  Zoe, if you are reading, it's that theatre that we passed when we walked to the High.  The theatre is so cool and it'll be good for the girls to get a sense of what it'll be like if they dance professionally one day.  I'll make sure that I get these videos, along with the rest of them, posted after the recital. I still have video from the Talent Show and Willy Wonka, geeeez!  It's June!

The boys are doing well, but completely exhausted.  Carson is fine now, in case you were wondering. 
Have a great day!  Here's the Word:

intestable \in-TES-tuh-buhl\, adjective:
Not legally qualified to make a will, as an infant or a lunatic.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ahhhh, that new car smell.....

You know that you are getting older when you are just dying to hop in your new minivan and drive! HA!  I got a new van yesterday and the thing is so pimped out the kids think it’s awesome.  It’s really nice.  The funny thing is (well it isn’t funny) that as soon as we pulled out onto the highway Carson started barfing.  We were enjoying that nice new leather car smell and then “Blughhhhhh”, he barfed all over himself.  Poor little guy.  It wouldn’t be a minivan if there weren’t someone spilling something or puking in it.  Luckily it didn’t get anywhere, and Carson seems to be feeling better.  I think he must have picked up a bug from the pool or something.  The big kids have dentist appointments this morning and Lindsey has rehearsal for her dance recital today.  I cannot stress how much I am praying that no one else gets sick this week.  We’re busy today, tomorrow I have to clean, and Friday morning I am picking Peyton up in Birmingham—he’ll be here for a month.  Woo-hoo!  Also, I went insane momentarily and told Lindsey that she could have a few friends sleepover on Friday night for her birthday, that’s why I’m cleaning tomorrow.  Her recital is on Saturday, but it’s at 3:30 and I think it should be ok.  I am going to be the mean mom and make the girls go to bed at a decent time so they won’t all be tired the next day.  Two of the girls that are coming also have to dance the next day; they are in her dance class.  I wish I could have picked another night for Lindsey's sleepover, but I promised Logan one too and his is the following Friday.  The next week was no good because we're going to Hilton Head, and what kid wants a birthday party a month after their birthday?  We're always crazy busy around Logan and Lindsey's birthday.

You feel like a mouse on a wheel when you’re only washing and cleaning stuff that’s been barfed on, so please pray that no one else gets sick.  This is a bad week for any one of us to be throwing up!!!

By the way, has anyone heard Casey Anthony's BULLCRAP lies?  She says that her little girl drowned in the pool and that the dad helped her cover it up.  Oh, and her judgment was terrible because her dad molested her for years.  Whatever, you stupid girl.  You do not enter a HOT BODY contest after your daughter dies......ever, unless you murdered her.  That girl is so gross, I detest her.  I feel sorry for her parents, but at the same time I don't because they raised her.  How many things did they let her get away with before she turned into this piece of crap?
Here’s the Word of the Day:
catarrh \kuh-TAHR\, noun:
Inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially of the respiratory tract, accompanied by excessive secretions.