Friday, June 17, 2011

Stuck like Glue

Have you ever heard that Sugarland song “Stuck like Glue”?  It’s stuck in my head and I can’t get it out.  I’ll tell you why.....

It would be asinine to even mention once more that Logan and Lindsey fight because if you are a true follower of this blog or know me at all you already know that they are horrible to one another, however I can’t help mentioning it again.  They fight over the big things like “He broke my DS” and “She told my friends I wet the bed” and the small things like who is going to push the stupid elevator button.  Who cares, is what I would like to know.  Who cares what color lollipop you get at the bank?  Food dye is bad for you and they taste the same anyway.  Who cares about who gets the first hot plate out of the microwave?  Have I ever starved you before?  Who cares about who gets to brush their teeth first?  Your teeth aren’t going to rot out of your mouth within the five minutes it takes the other one to brush.  Who cares if he got 4 crayons and you got 3 and a half?  You still have four colors!  Who cares if her piece of cake is ¾ of a millimeter bigger than your slice?  You look ridiculous comparing them and even more ridiculous fighting about it!  It never ends, it goes on and on like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from.  When I was pregnant with them I had these visions of them being friends……I’ve never been more wrong in my life.  Every moment of their life is a competition and up to this point there’s been no solution.  I beat myself up for a while.  I thought that it was my fault, and then I realized that I have always tried to treat them fairly.  I even made sure that they had the same amount of socks in their drawers before they were born, because Heaven forbid that one of the newborns found out they were cheated out of a pair of socks.  Seriously, I did that.  If one got something, I bought the other something else.  Maybe it is my fault that they think that life is supposed to be even and fair.  Well since when is life fair? 

There’s a new plan in the works.  They have to be with each other at all times.  Logan is attached to Lindsey and wherever she goes, he goes, and vice versa.  They will do this indefinitely.  I am getting so upset from the fighting that my heart feels like it’s skipping beats and jumping.  Peyton is tired of the fighting and so are the babies.  They are also tired of me yelling and constantly punishing Logan and Lindsey; it’s stressful for all of us and they need to understand that they are impacting the whole family negatively.  They will learn to get along and work together, and if they can’t, well then they will continue to be attached to each other.  We thought that when we moved and they got their own bedrooms that the fighting would get better, but it’s actually gotten worse. 

We are going on vacation for a week, and even on vacation they will be stuck together like glue.  I will not be blogging until I get back, so I hope that everyone has an amazing week!  I hope that I come back feeling refreshed and that Logan and Lindsey have learned to get along…..I’m not holding my breath, but I am hopeful.  I hope that I have nice stories to write about.

I have to take Carson to the doctor this morning because he was breaking out into hives yesterday morning and I need to see what’s going on before we leave.  The boys had a stomach virus and my guess is that it’s tied to that somehow.  I don’t remember which one of my kids had this before, but I know that one of them did and the doctor said that there wasn’t anything we could do about it.  I noticed that Carson’s neck was splotchy at story time at the library yesterday and I immediately checked his chest and back—sure enough, he was splotchy.  By the time we got home he had a giant hive on his cheek and one between his eyes on the arch of his nose.  The nurse told me to give him Benadryl and that if it didn’t get better to bring him in.  It immediately went away, but he was still a little splotchy on his chest and back pretty much all day.  He didn’t have anything weird to eat, so it wasn’t a food allergy.  Anyway, I need to go call the doctor.  Have a great week!

Here’s the Word of the Day, ok now this is just weird.  These are emailed to me, I don’t go digging for them.  Touch or join at the edge?  Come on, is that not perfect for this entry???:


uh-buht\ , verb;
To be adjacent; touch or join at the edge or border.
To end at.

1 comment:

  1. I'm telling you.....your word of the day is like KISMET! Maybe you should get out that duct tape that we used to keep their diapers on and make it a TRUE Siamese (sorry - so politically incorret) twin experience. When it's all over, remind them to thank God everyday that he saw fit to let them be born separated!
