Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shut up about Weiner!

Is anyone getting tired of the Weiner jokes?  What are we, five?  I swear, we're all adults with third grade mentality.  It was funny for the first week or so, but come on now.  Haha, very funny, his name is Weiner and soon he'll have a baby Weiner to take care of .  HAAAAA!  I said that!  That was funny!  I said Baby Weiner!  I could sort of understand the Clinton scandal, but this guy isn't even important.  Yes, it was wrong, so fire him and move on to the next joke.  I'm bored now.  Time to laugh about butts.

Here's the Word of the Day:

lucubrate \LOO-kyoo-breyt\, verb:
1. To work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.
2. To write learnedly.

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