Friday, August 29, 2014

Creep Cover, Daniela Andrade

I stumbled upon this girl last night and I think she's adorable. Thought I'd share.....

This is actually my favorite....

Dancing in the Dark, Bruce Springsteen

Here are a couple more:

Latch, Disclosure

Flight Facilities, Crave You

Thursday, August 28, 2014

That Little Face

There is one thing that happens when you are a parent and no matter how many times I experience it, I never get used to it. My heart breaks every time and I realize that I am complete mush when it comes to my kids. 

I was just at the bus stop waiting with Carson and Dylan and I squatted down to be at their level and hug them and kiss them. (Plus, I like talking to them evenly because I get to see their little noses and eye lashes and look them in their beautiful eyes.) Somehow we were talking about sports and I had to say "Well, it might be too late to play baseball this fall, I'm not sure. Mommy may have missed the sign up date." Carson really wanted to play and Dylan wants to play soccer. Immediately, Carson's face fell. He didn't cry, he didn't whine, he didn't act like a brat, he said he understood, but I could see on his face that he was disappointed. And by the way, because he didn't act bratty, it made it worse for me. I felt like someone may as well have kicked me in the stomach. There is nothing more sad to me than that face. I'll do anything to take it away. 

I told Carson and Dylan that right now, mommy and daddy are so busy working and with the older kids' activities that we will have to figure out a way to make it work. I told them if not this fall, in the spring they can play because my hours at work may allow more time at night. And by the way, until you have a daughter at dance 5 days a week, sometimes until 9, a son at football 5-6 times a week, and a set of twins, you may never say "it takes a village to raise a child" but it does. I stayed busy 100% of the time when I stayed home and now that I work, their dad and grandparents have to help out or they would just not get to do anything. We're all working together and I still don't know how we will squeeze in two more activities for the boys....but I will figure it out, for them. 

Anyway, I also told Carson that I would take him to the store and we would get a bunch of baseball stuff for him and soccer stuff for Dylan. He smiled, Dylan smiled. They got on the bus with their little smiling faces, but I still felt so sad. Why?

Because no matter what I do, they're going to be disappointed at some point. It's part of life. I can't protect them from it, and what's worse is that no matter how much I love them, I will disappoint them. 

I love my kids so much it hurts sometimes. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Myth

Sometimes I write things and I put them away and sometimes I pull them back out. I wrote this poem a long time ago and since it's no longer fresh, I'm sharing it. I know the girls will love it anyway.  This poem will make sense to anyone who has loved absolutely blindly. Girls, especially the fixers, will feel this one. 

The heartbreak is this:  he was never real.
Seeing the myth, fog’s gone and it’s clear
And what’s left is your heart, scattered in pieces
When your mind finally grasps what slipped through the creases.
Like a projector, shot my feelings on him
Shining like the sun, no flaw made him dim
If only he could be how I saw him to be
He’d be happy for once when he’d see what I see
If only he could love how I taught him to love,
He’d forever feel peace, rising above
If only he could see the girl adoring his soul,  
He’d stop trying to fill this undying hole. 
But it’s all gone now; he is who he was,
Heartbroken’ s the girl who loved just because.
This girl who listened to his every word,
Now finds the whole thing completely absurd.
And one day he’ll wake up and finally see,
That girl who loved so unconditionally.
The girl who he never gave anything to
Is no longer there, and there’s nothing to do.
His games and excuses and making her cry,
Is all but a memory and her heart did not die.
He looks in her eyes and she sees what he sees….
What he wanted to happen, who he wanted to be.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Not Just Nail Polish

A group of college students have invented nail polish that can indicate date rape drugs such as Rohypnol, GHB, and Xanax.

Read this article below.  There are of course, as always, concerns about the product, which I happen to think are stupid.

One of the critics basically says that we should be talking to the boys about why it's wrong.  NOOOO WAY!  Really?  We didn't know that.  Here's the thing, genius, men still sometimes rape when they know that it's wrong.  Women who EMPOWER themselves know that and empowering by definition means that they take control themselves wherever humanly possible.  Even still, women know the risk of rape is always there, this is why violence against women is so disgusting.  Obviously, preventing rape needs to be a combination of teaching boys how to be men and teaching girls how to be women who know how to take every measure they possibly can against a predator. I think it's irresponsible for a woman to complain so much about a useful tool. We should be teaching every girl that she has to take every precaution out there because you just never know....

And as for victim guilt?  The rapist is always wrong.  Period.  

Monday, August 25, 2014

Psalm 23

Occasionally I don't really know what to pray for so I'll close my eyes and randomly open a page in my bible and point to whatever it is with my eyes closed.  Today I stumbled upon this rather famous Psalm. It is actually what I needed to hear because I have been thinking lately about how I often feel like God is holding my hand and like a child, I yank in the other direction wanting to go a different way.  Why do I do that?  I'm blessed enough to believe he's guiding me, so how much sense does that make?  If I trust that God is there, why is it so hard to listen when it comes to certain things?  Sometimes I am stubborn and I hate that about myself. I pray for signs and then when I get them, I ignore them. It's the hardest thing I deal with with myself. When you have a strong will,  it can work against you. I have no doubt that God MADE me a fighter and gave me a strong will....that being said, I'm sure it's very frustrating to parent me sometimes and he didn't mean that he wanted me to fight HIM. Sometimes I picture myself being a toddler testing her father in the grocery store. Actually, I would be the toddler who burns herself and then stubbornly touches the burner over and over and over again expecting to have a different outcome. Maybe I should practice being a lamb more than a lion. 

So I'm going to try to listen to what he's saying today and let things be and just walk without flailing. That's the plan anyway. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Top 10 Worst Things Guys Have Said To Me

1.) "I hate reading." You do realize that I am a writer, right?  My girlfriends asked what happened with this one guy that I was sort of talking to and I said "He doesn't like to read.  I may as well go out with a monkey for stimulation."  You don't have to read novels or books (even though that would be a definite plus) but you'd better read something other than Playboy and the back of bathroom stalls or I will be pretty bored.

2.) "It's amazing.  Your ass looks half the age of your face."  Oh, ok, thanks!  Now on what planet is that a compliment? How about this: I'll bet your penis looks half the size of your thumb.  Just sayin'.  How the hell is a girl supposed to take that? That's truly a stupid thing to say.

3.) You are the weirdest girl ever.  Just because I said that I don't want to sleep with you because then I would have to remember it every day and pray for amnesia doesn't mean that I am weird.  It means that you're persistent to the point that I have to be rude.

4.) You can't do it.  Thanks for your input. (She does it.)

5.) You have two sets of twins?  I'm sorry.  What?

6.) Will a naked picture cheer you up?  NO!

7.) Guy: "My week hasn't been going well."   ME: Why not?"  Guy: I have a scab on my penis and I couldn't have this girl over because then she would think I have herpes but I don't.

8.) Soooo, two sets of you had c-sections then? Like, I know what you're asking.  Yes, I had c-sections and it really isn't your concern.

9.) Guy: Oh you don't want to get married?  I'll change your mind. Now I know that this pales in comparison after the others on the list (because the others are horrifying) but I don't like someone telling me that they will change my mind because all it does is make me want to not change my mind because you said it with such conviction.

10.) You'd look better with your mouth taped shut and unable to move. Yes.  Yes.  That was said.  Now close your mouth.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Importance of Having Girlfriends

My first girlfriend, my sister, Ash
I have made a lot of comments over time on Facebook and on this blog about loving my girlfriends.  I have been so blessed all my life to have amazing women in it and occasionally when I say that, I get a question from those who maybe haven't had very good experiences with women..."How does one have good girlfriends since girls tend to suck?"  Simple.  Women have gotten a bad wrap and there is only one reason why....because of bad women.  Some women have no intention of being a good friend or recognizing one.  Some women are jealous and spiteful and it makes them act unfairly and selfishly.  Some women are so miserable that they have every intention of dragging you down whenever they can.  Unfortunately we have all been burned at one point or another by women like this but it's important not to just assume that you can't trust an entire gender just because of that.

Number One Rule 
This is so important.  My number one rule when meeting a girl has always been this: Don't assume anything.  Just because she is shy doesn't mean she is a bitch.  Just because she's pretty doesn't mean she is going to steal your man or wind up full of herself.  Just because she is guarded doesn't mean she will never let you in.  When I meet a girl, I smile and I mean it.  Ask her about herself and tell her about you.  It's very important to find something in common with her and guess can ALWAYS find something in common with someone.  The most important thing to do when meeting a new girl is to be nice and genuine and check all of your skepticism at the door.  It's not fair not to give people a chance and if you immediately decide that you just don't like someone, you could be missing out on some great people and growing experiences.

How to Meet Good Girls
One of my friends just moved and she told me she doesn't know how to meet new people in an unfamiliar place.  Well, having moved around a lot, I have learned that the more you talk while you're out and get involved with the groups around you, the more you'll meet people you like.  Get involved at church. Find a playgroup if you have kids.  Join a gym.  Go out with the friends you already have and get to know their friends.  Make conversation when you go places because you never know who you'll click with. If you're in a relationship, that's tricky.  It's not every day that you come across couples that you click with, but it exists too and it's awesome.

Why Is It So Important To Have Good Girlfriends?
 I have a lot of guy friends and I always have.  I love them dearly, but there is just something that my girlfriends give me that a man doesn't know how to do. I feel bad when women make declarations like "I hate women" or "Girls suck" because there are some awesome experiences in my life that only include women.  Why is it so important to have a good girl in your life?  Because there is something that we "get" about each other no matter how much we identify with men...that is, if you give a girl a chance.  You'll find that your marriages are similar and your kids are similar and your life experiences are strangely similar and even if everything is different, we are girls and we can relate anyway.  We are a gender that is empathetic and reads people well.  We know instinctively what to do because we know what we would need.

When I was 17, I was in a car accident that caused anxiety attacks for months, my stepmom and dad got divorced, my grandpa died and because of the stress, my grades fell...and I mean they were low.  This all happened in one semester.  All of my extra-curricular activities had been taken away and I remember crying on the floor, curled in a ball on my dad's bedroom floor....I told Brea that I hated myself for being so bad.  Brea was curled into a ball on the floor facing me, playing with my hair and telling me how much she loved me and that she wished she was like me.  She told me everything would be ok and eventually, it was.  I have never forgotten that moment.  In that moment, all of the stress and change had finally hit me and the fake smiles disappeared and I finally let someone see how sad I was.  I had tried to act so tough, but I broke and Brea told me what I needed to hear....I needed to hear that I wasn't a screw-up and that people loved me. 

There have been a lot of moments like that with my girlfriends and there have been moments where I am there for them.  They pour the wine and put on the movie and drag my ass out of the house and send me thoughtful gifts and inspiring books and cards and call me in the morning and listen to me ramble on and on...and there is a part of my soul that is happy because of them that no man can ever understand.

Give girls a chance.  You never know who she is and what she's been through.

Tomorrow: 10 Ways to Be an Awesome Girlfriend

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

To Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I sat down to write about why the news is making me so sad and this is what ended up coming out.   I apologize for the unoriginality, but as long as people hate each other, the world will never be different.  To love thy neighbor doesn't mean just those who are like you and I'm not sure why this is such a confusing concept.  Nowhere does this concept include exemptions.  Nowhere does it say "Love thy neighbor unless they're black.  Love thy neighbor unless he's gay.  Love thy neighbor unless she's a Jew.  Love thy neighbor unless they're poor and uneducated. Love thy neighbor unless he's fat."  It says love thy neighbor and our one and only job while we are here is to love, I am certain of that. 

The world is broken, but in it are dreamers and I am one of them.  I may not be able to fix it, but maybe I can make some small difference in the tiny circle which is around me by being empathetic and treating people as I would like to be treated.  A girl can dream....

Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try.
No hell below us, above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for and no religion too...

Imagine all the people living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one 

Monday, August 18, 2014

What I Learned From the Trolls Last Week

Matt Walsh replied to me after I commented on a thread on Friday morning. Was I expressing my dislike for his opinions that week? Yes. Was I being a smart ass? Yes. Did I offend him? Probably not. Did I stoop to a level that I try not to go? Yes. I told him what I thought of him, which is unlike me.  Here is the exchange: 

Then his warty trolls came out and I learned what it's like to be cyber gang-banged. You'd think I threatened his life by the way they all responded. 

Here are the 3 things I learned after being trolled: 

1.) The more sense you make, the angrier and less logical the trolls all are. 
2.) The more sense you make, the more likely they will go and delete whatever illogical comment they'd made toward you that required a rebuttal. 
3.) The more logical you are, such things as blonde jokes start coming at you...because everyone knows that hair color is the real measure of intelligence. Jokes from the 1980's are still relevent to trolls. I didn't know that. I also learned that you can assume anything over the apparently I eye roll and giggle because my hair is blonde. I was so happy that that was contributed to what I thought was an actual discussion. 

All everyone did was prove that what I wrote was correct and that it struck a nerve, which actually wasn't my intention when I wrote it.  Matt Walsh personally told me that he stands by every word and if I don't like it, I can "go away". Funny. He hadn't read my blog yet, nor had I called him arrogant or made fun of the whole "sayer of truths" thing. I hadn't called him a sell-out. He had no idea what I really thought of his demeanor and yet he still convinced me that I had been right....he didn't care what anyone thought and they can go away if they don't like it. 

I wrote a blog about people listening and not being judgmental and what I believe God wants from us and all the trolls did was drive my point home. They were responding on a Christian blogger's post and they made fools of themselves, further isolating people from Matt Walsh's blog, including myself. 

Rather than feeling happy about being right about some Christians and the message I had originally blogged about, I was discouraged.  I was right and it upset me. I realize that sometimes talking to someone is like banging your head against a brick wall. People don't listen. People are judgmental. And then I started thinking "I can't believe Jesus can love us. He spells things out for us and forgives us over and over and we can be so mean to each other."  I thought "it's pointless trying to talk to someone who disagrees."

Then someone changed my mind.

I got a private message on Facebook from one young man who had read my blog. He said he really hoped to understand me, so he wasn't posting it to the thread for the trolls to read. We went back and forth for a day or so and listened to each other. We have never met. I heard him, he heard me, we politely debated, and it was refreshing.  I was in Nashville for 24 hours and I still stopped to write him because I was so pleased to see a stranger trying to connect with me, to learn and to understand me for no reason but for us both to possibly end up better people. We understand each other's views better now and he definitely made me consider some things. Some of the things that Matt Walsh said, I was able to hear clearer when it was said by a random, kind person who honestly cared about hearing me and me hearing him.  His tone was kinder. It made me wonder, had Matt Walsh carried himself differently, more humbly, would I have understood or even agreed? 

Then I started getting friend requests and messages from other people I had never met.  People have shared my post and actually understood what I was trying to say. People defended me in the thread (only later to be accused of being related to me or hired by me) and I learned that some people do listen. As do I. 

To Dylan, thanks for being an example. I enjoyed debating you in a Christian manner. You are a great example of an open person and how God wants us to interact with each other. I know nothing about you except that you're a very kind and intuitive person and that makes you very important to the world. 

It's all in the way you say it, and as I said before in my post last Thursday, you're responsible for your message. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

#First World Problems

Only reason I ever get off the computer. 

It's been a rough week in the news and I figured we could all laugh about how blessed we all are.

I really hate.....

  1. When I hit the BREW button on my Keurig and I come back to realize that it was out of water so I have to wait another 10 seconds for it to heat.
  2. When I run out of window washing fluid. The second I realize I'm out, I look at the sticker to see when my next oil change is due. 
  3. When Starbucks forgets to put a stopper in my cup and I end up spilling it in my car when I drive over a bump.
  4. When my toothbrush isn't charged and I have to manually scrub my teeth with absolutely no assistance.
  5. When my headphones get tangled.....and for NO REASON!  How does this happen?  I blame the alien in the dryer who steals my other sock.
  6. When I forget my protein shakers in the car for days and I have to rinse out what can only be described as crap.  Oh and the more organic the protein powder, the worse it is. 
  7. I owe this one to my friend, Kerel....When I order a smoothie, Frappuccino, what have you, and the straw is not big enough to accommodate the ingredients.  Nothing like a big chocolate chip or strawberry chunk stuck in your straw!!!
  8. When I really want to go dancing on a Friday night but then I realize that I don't want sweaty douche bags hanging all over me, so I have to dance in my kitchen instead. 
  9. When my hair gets stuck in my lip gloss. 
  10. When the crack in the pistachio isn't large enough and I hurt my fingernail trying to open it, then I can't open it and I have to throw it away and move onto the next one.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Suicidal Statements

Immediately after the news of Robin Williams broke, Matt Walsh, a very popular blogger, wrote an article about suicide being a choice.  I read the article and while I didn't feel as if he was wrong in a literal sense because suicide is inflicted on oneself literally, I left feeling like there was a disconnect and that he was a little cold.   Although he said that there is always hope, I still felt as if he was missing something.  Well, I wasn't the only one.  He has just been thrust into the limelight because of the things he said because people either didn't agree with what he said, didn't agree with how he said it, they felt as if the timing was tacky, or all three.  The reason his article rubbed me the wrong way is because he seems to miss the idea that someone suffering from mental anguish isn't in the right frame of mind, therefore, one might ask is it really that person making the choice?  I understood some of his points.  His fear is that the media was delivering the message to depressed people that suicide is ok, that it's something that just happens to you.  Disney's "Genie, you're free" message was disturbing to him.   I get that.  But I feel like he completely disregards the brain as an organ and dismisses the idea that signals can misfire, which seems so ignorant to me.  Walsh says that mental illness isn't like cancer and other diseases because no one chooses to die from cancer, but I disagree in the sense that no one chooses to struggle with bipolar and depression as well.  Most people aren't diagnosed with cancer and choose only to pray, ignoring the advice of doctors to undergo surgery or chemo, but they will combine both prayer with medical treatment.  Mental illness should be treated the same way.  He did not state this in the first article, but he did in the second.  It wasn't just his articles, but the things he tweeted seemed insensitive.  He seemed to be mocking chemical imbalances as if they were "an excuse".

Here is the first article if you choose to read it yourself:

Yesterday he posted a "retraction" without seeming to retract anything at all.

He clarified things but I felt as if he was more defensive and really didn't seem to grasp that he had broken one huge rule as a writer:  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR MESSAGE.  He even made claims that people "must not have read the whole thing."  Well I responded to that on Facebook because it pissed me off:

How arrogant are you to assume that someone who disagrees with you just didn't read what you wrote? You either made a mistake and said something that is in the opinion of others, stupid, or you didn't write it very well if that's not what you meant.  He claims to have been tearing up and emotional while writing the first post.  If this is true, then he needs to work on his craft because many people didn't feel it. 

Matt Walsh has a tendency to minimalize and simplify complex issues and this makes him appear to me to be either arrogant or just stupid.  I read his blog and agree with some of the things he says.  I even admire the fact that he tells it as he sees it because this is not easy to do.  I know how this feels and I don't have NEAR the following that he has.  I can only imagine how hard it is, unless he is like many people who sell-out and say things just for a reaction and in that case, it isn't hard at all.  But in the end, anyone who pronounces himself as a writer, a blogger and a "professional sayer of truths" is probably going to make me uncomfortable.  Really, Matt Walsh?  You're a professional sayer of truths?  You don't say.  Says who?  God?  Your wife?  Your dog? 

Rather than focus on what he said about Robin Williams, I am mainly writing this to get one message across....there is a lot to the truth and there is a lot that we as human beings do not understand.  Unless you have been holding a gun in your hand and had it up to your head, no, you don't know.  Unless you have been in any situation, you don't really know.  Matt Walsh is so offended that people said he doesn't understand, so my question is "Have you ever had a gun up to your head, Matt Walsh?"  No.  He hasn't.  Neither have I, but at least I don't try to pretend that I know how that feels. Many readers felt like he tried to compare his own trials to a man so sick and low that he is about to hang himself.  No one can measure suffering he says, and how dare us for saying we know about his own suffering....ok, well if this is true and you can't measure it, then can you see how you made others feel by assuming to know about suicide?  You're right, Matt.  You can't compare it.  Don't try.  Just don't. 

There are 4 mistakes you can make as a blogger assuming you are not an attention-whore nor a sensationalistic drop in the pan looking for 15 minutes and here is where he screwed up....

  1. Don't be mad at others when you didn't say it right.  If I say something, I have to take responsibility and if I have a huge backlash for it, well, then I either said it wrong or many think that I am wrong.  Don't bitch and moan about it. 
  2. Don't retract your statements without retracting a thing. He really should have stopped. I read the second article and he still didn't seem to get it.  If you are going to bother going into more detail the second time, why didn't you the first?  Because you had no idea that you were being a tool.  That's why. You backpedaled on a stationary bike.
  3. Don't isolate your readers by accusing them of "not reading it".  I mean, what are you, five years old?  Come on, now.
  4. Agree to disagree.  If you are only wanting readers who will agree with you and help you sleep at night, well, so be it. That seems pompous to me and it's not why I write.  If you are a writer, an artist, a person who writes not only to share your thoughts with the rest of the world, your goal is also to learn from others.....not to be right.  How can you grow when you already have all of the answers?  I surely don't.  And I appreciate what I can learn from my readers. 
Lastly, here is my main issue with people who can't listen to anyone else...they scare the crap out of me.  I also don't have a lot of respect for them.  In my opinion, they are afraid of themselves and therefore, they have to claim over and over that they are standing on firm ground.  If your ground is so firm, then why can't you listen to others?  Don't you trust your faith and yourself enough to not be swayed?  Extremists or people who reside on one side of the spectrum, to me, seem like they're one flick away from being catapulted to the other side of the spectrum.  If your goal is to help others, how are you going to help them while being so far removed?  You will never win your battles being so far one way because you isolate those who you want to win over.  You can't even beat them in an argument because you have no idea what issues they will bring up. Why?  Because you don't listen.   I have a grandmother who was "Christian" to an extreme that was disturbing to me even as a child.  She is now a Jew.  I guess you could say that left an impression on me.

We should never assume to know what God is thinking.  It really seems like a bad idea.  Love thy neighbor, do not judge and everything in moderation...even your views. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

10 Reasons Why Rob Dyrdek Should Marry Me

Consider this a proposal, Rob.
  1. I have a hat fetish.  You know what a fetish means, Rob.  Yeah.  That. Uh huhhh. 
  2. I will play with you.  You can do all of the stupid things you do and I will laugh at you and never roll my eyes because it's cute.  I know it's deceiving, me being a mom and all, but I never fully grew up. 
  3. Because you're the only skateboarder who dresses like a little boy that my friends won't make fun of me for being with. 
  4. I'm not scared.  I jumped off a cliff twice into some water.  I once Wobbled on roller-skates. I can hang with you. 
  5. I'm not a bitch.  This should be #1.
  6. I'll make you food when you break your limbs.  Because I am a mom, I am nurturing, so you see, Rob, you can break your legs and I'll make you grilled cheese and put new batteries in the remote control. Boom.
  7. I grew up in the 90's, so you don't have to explain things to me. You definitely want a 90's chick.  You don't want to have to explain who Run-D.M.C. is. 
  8. Because I'm not an idiot. I can carry on a conversation.  You don't want to go with some stupid bimbo who only cares about money.  No, sir.  I just want you for your hat.
  9. I have kids.  So you'll always have someone immature around to be stupid with when I'm not there. 
  10. I don't care about you hanging out with your friends. I'm not a clinger because I like my friends too. No, THIS should be #1.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Call Me Crazy....

"You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."-Robin Williams

I went to yoga this morning and while we were all in shavasana, the teacher left us with the quote above.  It bothered me because of the way he died, but rather than think about how he must've lost something, I thought about the wisdom that was in what he said. Then I realized that I talk about this all the time....I have a tiny obsession with madness and if you have followed my blog at all, you probably already know that, hence, my obsession with Alice in Wonderland.  Alice says the best people are mad, Nietzsche says there's always madness in love, and Aristotle says that no great mind ever existed without some madness. By madness, I mean the ability to experience extreme ecstasy, enthusiasm, and passion in a frenzy-like way. Perhaps I am obsessed with this idea because the best things I've ever done were the "craziest". 

We live in such an chaotic world, but madness is what keeps us sane. The world is a mess because we're all trying to find one way to exist together, one way of doing things, one way of behaving, one way of believing....but see, that is exactly what doesn't work because as soon as you try to force everyone to be the same,  the spirit dies.  Madness to me is whatever it is about us that makes us unique; it's what makes us react passionately and it's the way God made us at our core.  Like Williams said, it's a spark.  It exists with no explanation, it's what makes us human and childlike and curious and it's what keeps us from becoming cogs on a machine.  Madness is fierce, it never gives up.  It serves a purpose, while sometimes making no sense to others.  It's what speaks to us and drives us to always reach for more for ourselves.  Madness is the fire that burns within us, and when you lose that, you become a lifeless drone.  You become indifferent, which is the worst way to be.  How do you lose it?  People put you down.  They tell you you can't do it.  They tell you you're fat, worthless, stupid, crazy...they tell you that you are safer being someone else.  Before you know it, that little spark is gone. If you want to be mad, find out who you are and what you want.  Then chase it.  Be comfortable being thought of as foolish, because the mad ones usually are....but like Alice says, they're the best ones.

One of the most disturbing books I ever read/movies I have ever seen was "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" by Ken Kesey.  I was nauseated and upset after seeing it more than anything else I had ever seen.  If you haven't read the book or watched the movie, Jack Nicholson plays McMurphy, an eccentric patient in an insane asylum in the 1960's.  He was considered a "criminal" because he got into some fights and drank, but he wasn't insane, much like many of the mental patients placed in hospitals in the 60's.  McMurphy didn't like to conform and he was full of life and spirit.  Nowadays he would probably be diagnosed as having ADHD, but anyway, the grouchy, controlling, negative head nurse despised him and eventually had him undergo a lobotomy, which scrapes away the prefrontal cortex in the brain.  This part of the brain is responsible for personality expression, moderating social behavior, decision making, and following rules and norms.  So McMurphy wanders in, in a vegetable-like state, and your heart sinks.  At the end of the movie, one of the patients smothers him to death because he can't stand to see him without life, without the madness that he loved so much.  I know it's probably crazy to some people that I used this movie as an example because I am basically saying that I view conforming the same way as I view having a lobotomy, but that's the way I see it and that's the way that Kesey saw it.

There is joy in madness and a joyful life is what we are meant to live.  It saddens me that Robin Williams said something so wise and yet still found himself at a place where he was lost.... there's really nothing more I can say about that.  I do believe that we were meant to live for so much more than the world tells us to live for, and we may look mad if we wander....So what.

Monday, August 11, 2014

When Funny People Cry

My newsfeed is clogged with the news of Robin Williams and I keep seeing people ask the same question over and over in their posts....Why would he do this?  Why would such a talented, funny person who made us all laugh kill himself?

The answer is so clear to me even without hearing the details yet and there are three aspects....

I have no doubt in my mind that Robin Williams often felt alone because he was a creative person.  Creative people often feel alone and fear that people don't understand them.  For one, they tend to feel extreme highs and lows because that's how inspiration and creativity often works.  Creative people have a harder time grounding themselves and being part of the world while not becoming stale and boring, so they kind of create their own world where they can just be. This clashes with reality sometimes, which causes them problems.

Smart people, like Robin Williams, feel alone when they speak because they're always seeking acknowledgment and stimulation.  If that isn't around, they self-stimulate, which can drive them crazy. 

Finally, funny, happy people feel the most alone when they're sad.  Why?  Because they disappoint people when they show any other emotion, so they hide it.  When you are a generally happy person or a funny person, people come to expect it of you.  Sometimes people are more offended when you are in a bad mood as opposed to someone else who is "moody" and they don't cut you slack because it's not in your nature to be anything but happy.  You are held to a higher standard.  People like Robin Williams or Chris Farley, are often like rays of sunshine that bless everyone else around them.  Their main goal in life is to make others happy and to smile and laugh. When you are like this, you feel like a failure if you burden other people with any emotion that isn't sunshine. 

Pay attention to the person smiling all the time.  When they are in pain, they're the last to tell anyone they're not okay. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dick Pic Etiquette

Today I would like to discuss this phenomenon of men texting women unsolicited pictures of their penises, aka “dick pics”.  Now I should state for the record that I have never received an unsolicited dick pic because I am a bitch and I have a blog.  In fact, I have said “NO!  Do not send me that, it won’t cheer me up!” and apparently that’s all it takes.  However, my single friends receive dick pics constantly and this leaves me perplexed.

When I was 7 years old, I was flashed.  I hadn’t ever seen a penis until some creep in a Bronco drove down the street, saw me on my bike, and whipped it out.  Thanks for that, asshole.  Then when I was in high school, I was flashed by a boy on my bus.  We got off the bus, I said “Merry Christmas”,  he said “Happy New Year” and I turned around and there it was.  He whipped it out and played with it while I stood there with my jaw pretty much wide open.  I’ve thought about this moment in my older age…did he think I was impressed by the size and grandeur of his penis rather than realizing that I was actually shocked and wanting to erase from my mind what I had seen?  Did I confuse him in this moment with my lack of speech and bug eyes?  His name was Matt, but then I told everyone what he did and then he was called “Mattsturbator” until graduation.  That would never catch on nowadays because people were still shocked by things in the 90’s.  

I guess the thing that makes me laugh about unsolicited dick pics is that penises to a woman are a lot like newborn babies are to people who aren’t the child’s parents.  You know how someone can have a baby and it’s hairy and its eyes are squinty and its head is shaped funny like a cone?  The mother of that baby really thinks her baby is perfect and wants to stare at it all day, but a stranger might think to herself “I hope his head goes back to normal”.  It’s the same way when it’s your man’s penis versus some rando’s.   When we have no emotional connection to you, possibly no attraction, and we haven’t asked to see your penis, you’re running a risk…..we may look at it like it’s someone else’s ugly newborn baby. 

On the other hand, you know how motherly and loving we are to our own babies.  Maybe get to know us, date us, respect us before showing us your junk…..just an idea, guys. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Always Be My Baby

In the sunlight or the rain
Brightest nights or darkest days
I'll always feel the same way
Whatever road you may be on
No, you're never too far gone
My love is there wherever you may be
Just remember that you'll always be my baby
-Sara Evans

Dylan and Carson

Today is the Friday before my babies go to kindergarten.  I am taking them to pick out their little pencil cases and school shoes and meeting their teacher today and I am a little emotional about it, of course.  Would you expect any different from me? 
I was really good at taking time for the little moments with Carson & Dylan when they were babies.  I rocked them, I took a long time giving them a bath because they enjoyed it, and I was patient and took the time to teach them something new.  But even though I took the time for those moments, they are still passing by.  I just feel like it's all flying by too quickly. Because I have older children, I now know that once they get into kindergarten, it starts to go even faster and before you know it, you can't remember which year they wore what in each school picture.  Everything starts to blend together and you're staring at a child who is bigger than you are.  

March 25, 2009

If you have little ones, please take my advice.  Slow down.  Rock your baby longer than he needs.  Memorize as much as you can about his little toes and noises.  Get down on his level and listen to him because one day that sweet voice will be deep and you'll wonder what happened. Throw away the schedule from time to time and just play with him.  I did this with Carson and Dylan and I realize how much time I wasted being structured with Logan and Lindsey.  

Carson and Dylan, I first heard the song below when I was pregnant with you.  Daddy got me the CD for Christmas and I remember crying on the way to pick out your cribs.  (Which you never slept in, because you slept with me.)  I love you more than you can EVER imagine and I know I have written this before, but you have made me SO happy.  Every day, you bring me joy.  
Fall, 2013

To everyone else, this song will go right through your heart, but listen to it.  It's totally worth the tears.