Friday, August 15, 2014

#First World Problems

Only reason I ever get off the computer. 

It's been a rough week in the news and I figured we could all laugh about how blessed we all are.

I really hate.....

  1. When I hit the BREW button on my Keurig and I come back to realize that it was out of water so I have to wait another 10 seconds for it to heat.
  2. When I run out of window washing fluid. The second I realize I'm out, I look at the sticker to see when my next oil change is due. 
  3. When Starbucks forgets to put a stopper in my cup and I end up spilling it in my car when I drive over a bump.
  4. When my toothbrush isn't charged and I have to manually scrub my teeth with absolutely no assistance.
  5. When my headphones get tangled.....and for NO REASON!  How does this happen?  I blame the alien in the dryer who steals my other sock.
  6. When I forget my protein shakers in the car for days and I have to rinse out what can only be described as crap.  Oh and the more organic the protein powder, the worse it is. 
  7. I owe this one to my friend, Kerel....When I order a smoothie, Frappuccino, what have you, and the straw is not big enough to accommodate the ingredients.  Nothing like a big chocolate chip or strawberry chunk stuck in your straw!!!
  8. When I really want to go dancing on a Friday night but then I realize that I don't want sweaty douche bags hanging all over me, so I have to dance in my kitchen instead. 
  9. When my hair gets stuck in my lip gloss. 
  10. When the crack in the pistachio isn't large enough and I hurt my fingernail trying to open it, then I can't open it and I have to throw it away and move onto the next one.

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