Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Superman vs Batman

I made a statement a couple of nights ago that I now have to take back.  I said that I didn't understand guys and their obsession with Superman.  I also said that I preferred Batman to Superman, but I have made a mistake.  After a discussion with one of my guy friends, who disagreed with me, I have to say that Superman is definitely the better superhero.  

In my opinion, if the two Superheroes were music, Batman would be the Stones and Superman would be the Beatles when they wore black suits and had goody-goody haircuts.  Because you see, Batman is really cool, but Superman is wholesome, generous, squeaky-clean, and classic.

So here are the points of our discussion and why I was wrong to say Batman was better.  Batman will never look the same to me again:

  1. Batman is a womanizer and Superman is probably a virgin and totally in love with only one girl, Lois.  I guess it makes sense that I would've preferred Batman, and so would most girls, because he is the bad boy and probably emotionally unavailable. 
  2. Batman only saves Gotham city, whereas Superman saves the entire world.  Batman only cares about Gotham City because he has businesses there.  He probably doesn't really care much about its citizens.
  3. Batman is a spoiled rich boy who lives on his daddy's money; Superman actually has a job.  (This is the point in the conversation that really made me choose Superman over Batman.  I can't stand spoiled, arrogant rich boys who squander their daddy's money....even if they have a bat mask.)  
  4. Batman depends on technology; Superman really has superpowers because he is an alien.  Who are you going to trust when it gets down to it?  An alien with unfailing flying powers (assuming that there isn't Kryptonite anywhere near) or a man it a bat outfit with a flame retardant car and a wad of bills?  Definitely the alien.  I just had a know who might be an awesome superhero?  Inspector Gadget.  I could definitely trust a set of go-go gadget arms.    

And this is why Superman wins.  Plus, guys look really cute when they wear Superman t-shirts.  

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