Tuesday, July 10, 2012

N.W.A. Said It Best

I got a parking ticket last night for parking in FRONT OF MY MOM'S house!  Apparently, my brother has been calling my car in at night (thank you, Tyson).  You have to call a number to say that your car will be there all night, otherwise you get a ticket.  They "chalk your tires" to see if you have been there longer than a certain amount of time.  WHAT the HELL is that?  I have to pay the state of Wisconsin $33 for parking on a residential street in front of a house that is owned by my mother???  My question is this: WHERE AM I TO PARK MY CAR???  On the damn roof?  On the stinking grass????  There are no driveways, and there is only one spot in the garage for my mom.  How about this, Wisconsin.....kiss my butt because there is no way I am paying you!  There is no sign with any number telling you the rules, so basically you are trying to screw the out-of-towners!  BITE ME!  Now I remember that this used to happen to me all winter in front of my apartment building in OUR parking lot where I PAID RENT!  When the Wisconsin Police or Traffic  Violation Loser Department (I'm talking to you, policemen on bicycles) decide to fly me into Wisconsin for my day in court, THAT'S when I will pay the ticket!  So basically, it will be a cold day in HELL when you see my $33!

I am so pissed right now because I will probably have to pay the damn thing because I always follow the damn rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Every week that you don't pay it, it goes up!  By September, I will owe $63!  UGHHHHH!   Where's that N.W.A. song when I need it?

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