Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Aristotle on Anger

"Anybody can become angry -that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."-Aristotle

You know why I love reading Greek philosophers?  Because, like the Bible, it reminds me that our problems aren't really different at the core.  Our environment has changed, but humans are still the same.  We are a remarkable species and yet if I read Euripides and Aristotle, I realize HOW freaking STUPID we are.  We can blame technology, porn, politicians, but the problem is humans.  I realize I am not saying anything new or groundbreaking, but I do like this quote and I will quickly get back on task.....

What Aristotle says is so true, and there is a great deal of power in this quote. An immature person lashes out on those who don't deserve it, and even worse, sometimes takes it out on those who love them the most.  Who listens to a person like that?  I don't, and I don't respect them.  Timing is also important to consider.  Even if you direct your anger at the right person and you are "right", you won't achieve a thing if you don't slow down and think about things first.  Taking a step back allows you to be less emotional and more logical, and from there, you can better direct it at the deserved source.  Everyone becomes angry, even those with a long fuse, and the only thing that matters is how you deal with it.  You can throw your hands up and scream at the world, at your car, at your president, your kids, your husband, the guy in front of you on the road, but where is it getting you?  There are times where I have thought "Yeah, I shouldn't have yelled at my mom.  I was really mean" and there are times where I know exactly who and what was done to me, I breathe and think about what I am going to say, and you know what?  It feels so good to handle things that way.

I guess this quote kind of stems from what I was talking about yesterday.  I didn't sleep well and I was thinking about the events of yesterday.  I was thinking about what makes a fighter strong, and this is definitely something people need to learn.  I am not easily angered, but I can be a total girl about something when I am upset....I guess it depends on how much I care about an issue.  If I know logically that you are retarded and I don't care much about what you are saying, I can come off cool and aloof.  If you are attacking someone I love, well, I may go to jail.  I guess the idea is to react pretty much the same in every situation.

I will never forget getting thrown out of Honors English my senior year.  The teacher grabbed my books and my bag and didn't say a word.  He had A SMILE on his face and when he got to the door, he threw my stuff into the hall and said "You can come back when you can grow up!"  He didn't scream, but he was chilling. And I have never forgotten how effective that was.  I stood there with my mouth dropped open.  I also wasn't sure if I could grow up, so I didn't bother going back into class.  In fact, I think I dropped the class and went to the NON-honors class because I was dead set on staying immature.

I have mentioned this before, and it's true.....if you want to PISS SOMEONE OFF, be calm and collected and think first.  Think before reacting, for you, and I promise that it actually makes people even more angry and they act even more foolish.  By the time they are done acting like jungle animals, you've already won.  No need to state your case, they already hung themselves.  Of course, I have been on both sides, like we all probably have. More importantly than "pissing someone off", which really shouldn't be a leader's goal, is to teach someone how they should be.  I think about the people who have taught me to respect....they have never lashed out on me.  I remember and look up to people who were patient with me when they could have lost it, and I remember the moments when someone was irrational and hateful toward me.  That didn't do me any good, nor did it do them any good.  When I am patient and logical with my children, I see the best reaction.  When I lose my temper, I feel bad and know that I did not teach them the correct lesson.

Anyway, gotta get to the gym....have a great day.  Next time that guy cuts you off, drive up and smile at him.  I've done that.  It really freaks people out.  HA HA. 

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