Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Transformed Eye, By Brittany Chenault

I look up to the Heavens.
What have I become?
Heart so shattered, mind so cloudy,
This day I have succumb.
Is it too late? Have I been locked out? 
I whisper one final prayer.
No, he says.  So, come with me.
Your sins I did help bear.
Like glass, your heart is glued together,
the pieces I will replace,
You will become anew and like an angel,
Love filling up the space.
All alone and in the dark,
I did not leave you be.
You wandered out, alone and fragile,
So black, you could not see.
He grabbed my hand and softly pulled,
I follow without hesitation,
The stars came out and filled my eyes,
He never had forsaken.
Why didn't I realize, Why didn't I look,
He was there within my sight,
The world, in all its distracting ways,
Drowned out all the light.
You were there among the valleys,
the hills, the waves, the breeze,
You stood there always arms stretched out,
Only a fool flutters and flees.
How could I be so blind, I say.
For always you were there.
I laugh one time at all my foolishness,
Then I feel my spirit tear.
I feel the hurt, the pain, the suffering.
I remember the tears, the ways of the earth.
And now I feel as God has felt,
Since sin had seen its birth.
My chest it pains as I see my mistakes,
I cry when I see my sin.
I cannot bear to see myself longer,
I'm worthy to be let in.
Hush, small girl. And I felt the wind.
He pulled me toward the sky,
Serenity takes my hand,
And I begin to fly.
The earth beneath me, I wave goodbye,
I feel love and see my spirit.
For I am leaving and have been forgiven,
I hope you can all hear it. 
I see my body, just a shell it was,
no longer full of life.
I do not need it anymore,
No more I'll feel the strife.
For on my face is a transformed eye,
Beautiful and true,
I've seen what you'll see one day soon,
You too will be anew.

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