Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Only One Messiah....Tennessee Says So.

So, a judge in Tennessee ruled this week that you can't name your baby "Messiah" because there was only one.....read this and catch up, if you haven't heard.


Before I state my opinions, I want to make it clear that I would never name my baby Messiah, Jesus, Damien, Satan, Lucifer, Cain, or anything else extremely bad or good.  That's just my personal preference.  Dylan's middle name is Matthew, and that's fine, but that's neutral, and that's my opinion.  Matthew was a disciple.

First of all, I thought when we separated church and state, we separated church and state.  What does "separate" mean?  It means not connected.  So I can't understand why this judge is dumping her personal religious beliefs on this woman.  What if the woman doesn't believe in God?  Which, she probably does, so given that, the judge should care even less, right?  I don't think the State of Tennessee should be getting involved. Sounds like this judge needs something else to worry about.

Part of the reason I don't understand why the state is involved is because I know what names they DO allow you to name your babies.

My uncle is a doctor and used to deliver babies in Tennessee.  He once delivered a baby girl who ended up with the name "Vagina".  He also delivered a little boy who is now named "Orangello" after Orange Jello.  I swear.  True story.  But you can't name your baby Messiah?  I would take the fate of "Messiah" over "Vagina" any day.  Gwyneth Paltrow named her baby "Apple" and I can name mine "Table Chair Chenault", but you can't name a baby Messiah?  It just doesn't make sense, unless this judge is going to start asserting her ridiculous opinions on everyone else as well.  Where do we draw the line? 

I remember a line in "Meet the Parents" when Pam's ex-fiancĂ©, Kevin (Owen Wilson), widdled an alter out of a hunk of wood.  He tells Gaylord Focker why.  He says "Well, Jesus was a carpenter, so I thought, if you are going to follow in someone's footsteps, who better than Christ?"  So given Kevin the Ex's logic from Meet the Parents, I would say this lady is wrong.

On top of the fact that there exists somewhere in the world, a birth certificate from TENNESSEE with the name "Vagina" on it.  Come on. 

1 comment:

  1. How about some of the names we've had at my school....the prize....Princecharming......I wish a judge WOULD make a ruling in some of these cases. It's child abuse.
