Monday, August 12, 2013

Whatcha Got, Monday?

I had a great weekend.  I ran errands, got everything clean (including my awful car), and did every bit of laundry there was to do.  I managed to do this, shop for groceries, AND have fun with the kids.  I also went to hot yoga on Saturday, which always makes me extremely happy.  I am telling you, if you haven't tried it, do it.  It's the second best feeling on the planet.  I forget how to drive a car when I leave hot yoga, I am so relaxed. 

Anyway, my goal on Saturday night was to have everything pretty much accomplished so that I could take the kids to the aquarium on Sunday.  I did, so we went.  The boys had a great time.  They absolutely loved it.  I take them to the zoo constantly, but I've never taken them to the aquarium. They loved the dolphins and Beluga whales.  I think if I were an animal, I think I would be a dolphin, by the way.  They seem so eager to please and to make people happy.  Plus, I have definitely been known to try and save people from the deep end of the ocean.

Before I share pictures, I would like to address something negative about the aquarium (even though it had no bearing on my day and we had a great time).

If you ever want to find out how patient you are, go to the Georgia Aquarium.  Why?  Because a lot of people there have NO MANNERS.  I thought I had just had a bad experience the first time, but it now seems to be the norm.

Among the rude:
  1. Rude parents: Even more obnoxious than the rude little bastards who are pushing my children, are their inconsiderate guardians.  I say "guardians" because they seem to do very little parenting.  They allow their children to act like hoodlums because that's exactly how they are behaving themselves.  While a little kid is knocking my child over to see the whale, I guarantee you their jerk of a parent is doing the same thing to me. Not only that, a lot of times, the guardians are pushing their child to the front.  Seriously?  I think we need to go back to Pre-K and learn about sharing and standing in single-file lines.
  2. The Childless Adult with the Camera: Dude.  I get it.  You really want to get pictures of every little creature in that building, but you know, there are like 2,000 children here and they can't see past your ass.  Can't you let the short people see?  And to clarify, I am sticking up for the polite children, not the little bastards who are knocking you over.
  3. The Skippers: The boys and I were in line to crawl through the Penguin tunnel when a fight broke out behind us.  This lady, whom I SAW skip a bunch of people, was yelling "I was next!  I remember, because I remember her dress!"  She pointed at my dress.  I wanted to say "Where, like three exhibits ago?"  But I didn't.  And maybe it's just me, but saying you remember your place in line because of someone's garment.....not a great argument.  You should just be able to say "because I was behind her", but she couldn't, because she was a liar. 
  4. The WORST: Then there was this lady AFTER the penguin line; she didn't have children with her, she was simply there to see the penguins, who was extremely obnoxious.  We all filed out and at the end of the tunnel, I was standing by the exit, helping Carson and Dylan up.  This lady was knocking me over while saying "Excuse me".  I finally snapped.  I turned around and said "Excuse me?  Yes!  Excuse you.  Do you mind?  I am trying to get to my children!  Geez!  Don't worry!  You're going to see the next animal.  It isn't going anywhere."  The lady had a husband and he looked at me with a shocked expression.  UGH.  I was so irritated.  I think when people say "Excuse me" while they do something THEY KNOW is rude, I am just going to start saying "You should excuse yourself, because your manners are PISS POOR!"

I will add one thing.....Carson and Dylan are the most well-mannered children in public.  They have their moments because they are 4, but they are all about the please and thank you's.  I don't let them barge right through people, number one, because I hold their hands.  Number two, they don't act that way because they are extremely passive around these arrogant barbarians.  I am sure they're too afraid to be pushy.  They understand what it means to be polite.

I think that finishing classes, or "Manners 101" should be mandatory for high school.  People are ridiculous.

Anyway, it was a great day, even with the baboon asses.  Here are some pictures:

This is the penguin tunnel

Dylan got a sword and Carson got a game

This is from this morning.  I was doing some exercises and I played airplane
with Dylan.  We both woke up at 4:15 and never went back to sleep, so we had breakfast and
he played while I did crunches and push-ups.


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