Thursday, August 1, 2013

4-Year-Old Logic

Dylan says the funniest things.  I have to share with you how precious this little boy is. I have a little notepad of things he says because he cracks me up.  This is all from last week, in one night.  He was hilarious.

"Mama, brown cows make chocolate milk and white cows make white milk."

"I am allergic to peas, and that means I cannot have them.  When I am not allergic to peas, that will mean I can have them."

Carson tried my spinach and Dylan said "Carson, did that taste like leaves?"  Ha ha. 

We were talking about my new fruit slicer someone gave me.  I said "You know what? You can also cut boiled eggs, so Carson will love that."  Dylan replied "We can?  You will let me cut the eggs?"  I said "No, I meant YOU in general, like one can. I wouldn't want you to cut yourself, so I don't think I will let you."  Dylan rolled his little eyes and smacked his forehead and said "Mama, you said YOU and that means WE.  So WE can!  Me and Carson CAN cut them!  You said YOU!"  Explain the concept of speaking generally to a 4-year-old.  It wasn't easy.

Later that evening, Carson was sitting on the counter next to me while I loaded the dishwasher.  Carson wanted down and started yelling "Dylan!  Come 'ere!  Give me a boost!  Give me a boost, Dylan!"  Dylan got on his hands and knees like a step stool.  I didn't let him use his brother as a landing strip, but I still thought it was funny.  The boys constantly work together.  It's cute.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when Carson was trying to say the villian from Man of Steel last weekend but we had no idea what he was saying. "It's Zod!". Lol
