Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ashton a hat

I have always loved Ashton Kutcher, but after his little speech right here, I want to hunt him down and make him love me.  He's the cutest thing.  Ever.  Is he with Demi anymore?  I don't even know.  I am going to Google it.  Like it matters....

The idea that he's giving these young kids solid advice about life is pretty hot, but he is also wearing a hat.  The guy is 35 years old and adorable in a baseball cap.  I don't know what it is about guys in hats, but I certainly have always had a fetish.  (Other than those stupid beer funneling hats and cowboy hats, I am totally seduced my a hat.)  If a guy has a pair of converse on AND a hat, well, just, I will stop talking now....

Ashton Kutcher is a terrible illustration of my hat fetish, because he's adorable anyway.  But trust me.  Every guy, to me, looks even better with a hat on his head.

Do you have to do that, Ashton?  Really?

1 comment:

  1. OMG I agree. Especially when it's a Chicago Bears hat! LOL He's with Mila Kunis now which is totally adorable. Well, he would look even better with you.
    Randomly, I miss you and wish I lived next door! xoxo
