Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Top 10-Ways to Block Out Chaos

I have four kids.  I have a lot on my mind.  I always have a lot on my plate.  People often ask me what I do to handle everything.  Here are a few ways I keep my sanity.  P.S.  This sometimes takes discipline......

  1. God. I pray and read my Bible most mornings and I pray during yoga.  I pray for the people I love as much as I can, and although I sometimes ask God to fix some things for me and my kids, I mainly pray to learn to accept and submit to whatever God wants for me.  I pray to let go of things.  I hold on really hard, and it's very difficult for me to submit. 
  2. Exercise/Diet: Yoga, cardio, weights, stretching.....any body movement helps me.  I calm both my body and my mind.  As far as food goes, you are what you eat.  Eat well, you'll feel well, and you'll deal with the mess of life much better than if you eat crap.
  3. Headphones and Music: This is really my most desperate attempt at calming down when I am stressed.  If my children see me walking around with headphones and shaking my head up and down and using hand gestures, they know that at any moment, I may actually go crazy.
  4.  Reading: The quickest way to forget what you were thinking about is by reading another's thoughts.
  5. Writing: For me, I must write.  It's a need. If a feeling doesn't come out on paper, it's there, boiling beneath me, screaming at me.
  6. "Lose" Your Phone and stay off Facebook: The last couple of weeks, I have really been cutting things and people out.  My mind is just too busy.  I can't keep up with everything and focus on what I need to.  How can you think about yourself when you're always answering everyone's calls and texts?  And Facebook is just, ehhhh.  It's the devil sometimes.
  7. Go Outside: I love doing this.  Sit outside, or climb a mountain.  Whatever you do, make it intentional.  Pay attention to your surroundings and try to take the quiet in, even if there's white noise.
  8. Walk Away from Trouble Brewing: Sometimes you just need a freaking moment to think before you speak.  Take that moment; you have every right and the person will appreciate you not screaming in their face. 
  9. Get Organized: This is obvious, but organize your life.  Whether it's your clothes or your love life, get it organized.  Have a purpose and know where everything is.  (Even where your relationships with others are.)
  10. Control Your Thoughts: You know, some might think I am on the verge of some kind of break down, and I will be honest....I am, but not the nervous, crazy kind.  I am "detoxing" both mentally and emotionally.  Actually, even physically.  I am just really sick of caring about certain things and people who don't really care about me.  Why should I worry and put all of my energy into things that shouldn't matter in my life or my kids' lives?  If I feel or think something upsetting lately, I try to shrug my shoulders and think "God loves you, Britt.  So do your kids and a lot of people.  Move on". This is all on me, the fact that I let this happen to me.  You have control of your own mind, and while it's nearly impossible to choose who and what you care about, you do have the power to redirect and make choices.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts Britt. Love everything about this. I'm taking credit for the headphones idea....LOL....saved you kids many a time! Love you.
