Friday, June 28, 2013

Flashback Friday-Are We Still Talking About Color?

I am sorry I haven't written. Honestly, I haven't had a good reason except for that life just happened. Sometimes I just decide to buckle down and focus on other things for a while and I have to say, I have a lot to focus on right now. My new job? Ummmm awesome. It's going to be awesome. Love the people, love the building....everything. This type of law is much more interesting and the job is a great fit for me because I get to make life easier for my very busy boss. I love that.

Flashback Friday. With all of this Paula Deen crap and some things that upset me in my personal life, I realize once again how racist people are. I don't understand it.  If you don't like someone, at least dig deeper. I'm sure anyone can find a legitimate reason for disliking another person, but people don't dare to dig because that would make too much sense. They don't want to like the person.  It upsets me that I will never know how it feels to be treated badly because of my skin, because I'm white. I will never know the advantages I've had simply for being the color I am. I didn't earn that. It isn't right. But I do care about those who know how it feels, and I guess that's all I can do.

I remember Yasmine. She was my nanny from Haiti.  I had many nannies from around the world, which I always forget. When I react so passionately about race and culture issues, I like to say "It's just wrong! That's why I'm mad!" But I forget that there is a very logical reason why I am not a cruel, ignorant person. It's because I was able to humanize people who were different than me at a young age, and my mother is an amazing person for exposing me to these wonderful ladies. My nannies probably shaped me as a human being more than I realize. So to be fair to all the idiots out there, sorry you didn't have nannies. You should've. Maybe now you should travel. 

Anyway, back to Yasmine. Yasmine was from Haiti. She used to pray with us at night. And she told me "People aren't different. You and me, we aren't different. It's just skin, Brittany." And I remember her telling me not to be afraid of people just because they look different. That's really all I remember....but I remember. She was so sweet. And when I think of someone being mean to her because she is black, I think, what a shame. People really miss out, being morons. 

Come on, people. Stop being idiots! And Paula Deen, your Chicken Pot Pies suck. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog Britt. I wish we knew where Yasmine is now. She was so sweet.
