Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Safe Haven

Ok, so I saw Nicholas Sparks' new movie and I have to admit, it was good.....and I cried. 

I don't want to give anything away, so I am really hesitant to write about it, but I can say that it's worth seeing....well, if you are a girl, or a guy trying to make your girl happy.  The couple is so cute; you can't help but love the story.  I was also really surprised with how it ended....for once.

I was thinking about Nicholas Sparks and any author who has been successful using a certain formula, for instance, John Grisham.  I don't think that authors who find this kind of commercial success can make everyone happy.  Well, maybe no one can make everyone happy and this whole point is stupid.  But anyway, what I mean about these authors is that if they are successful, the editors want them to keep doing the same thing, they have that "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" mentality.  But if they don't switch it up, they bore some people, like me, and they have to hear "it's always the same thing!"  If they change it though, someone will be pissed off because it's different.  I feel sort of bad now for knocking his stuff.

On that note, I think that Sparks found a happy medium with this one.  It isn't the same old tired story, but it's still really sweet and romantic with a twist.

I wonder what it's like to be married to Nicholas Sparks.  I have often thought about that because it blows me away that he writes this stuff and he isn't gay.  When I watch certain scenes, I can't help but think to myself "how did a guy think of that?"  Really.  Sometimes I feel like the only people who really understand girls are other girls and gay men.  I wonder if it would be nice to be married to Nicholas Sparks, or if a guy like that would smother me and I would want to jab my eyes out because he was too romantic and mushy.  Side note....I have also thought about what it would be like to be married to Stephen King and I am pretty sure I would be terrified, sweating and sleeping with a knife under my pillow. 

I am posting the trailer, yet again, since I am really afraid to say anything about it. 


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