Friday, February 22, 2013

Flashback Friday-She's Having a Baby

Ahhh, I love Friday because I get to talk about old movies, songs and memories!  

Anything at all that John Hughes created is easily one of my favorites, if you didn't already know, and they all remind me of my childhood.  I was so sad when he died, and at such a young age. 

She's Having a Baby is a great movie.  The story goes like this:

The first scene is Alec Baldwin and Kevin Bacon sitting and talking in a car outside of a chapel.  Bacon is getting married, and Baldwin plays the evil best friend who is secretly in love with Bacon's girl.  He is so jealous of their relationship, he can't even see straight.  The two are talking about bailing on the wedding, but Bacon ultimately goes in and pulls it together.  The bride is calm and collected, and the very creative groom imagines the worst as he says his vows.  So the couple moves, buys a house, he rides the train to work every day to a job that he never saw himself taking....he starts to feel smothered and as if the world is caving in on him.  He feels trapped in Suburbia and wonders how he got where he did.  This whole time, his wife is patient, loving, and seems to know that her husband is not at the same comfortable spot in his life as she is.  She still loves him.  He starts to have fantasies about a girl he meets and even has the opportunity to cheat with her, but he doesn't.  Something holds him back, but he isn't sure what.  He finds out that he's going to be a dad, he flips out even more internally, but rolls with it externally. 

So basically, the story is this.....Bacon has no idea how much he is loved, and he takes everything he has for granted while fantasizing about another life.  He knows he loves his wife, but he doesn't even realize how much.

His wife starts having contractions and he takes her to the hospital.  She has complications.  They have to knock the wife out, kick the husband out of the room, and as he panics and screams, they send him to the waiting room.  The nurse comes to him later and says that the baby is breech, stuck in the birth canal, and that they have to operate.  He sits in the waiting room, crying and thinking about his wife, and all of a sudden, he seems to get it. 

This clip is kind of crappy because it cuts off the end, but just so you know, she lives and the baby is a healthy little boy.  The song is This Woman's Work, by Kate Bush.

Kevin Bacon's character says this at the end:

"And in the end, I realized that I took more than I gave, I was trusted more than I trusted, and I was loved more than I loved. And what I was looking for was not to be found but to be made."

This is a really good remake of the 80's's Maxwell.

Have a great weekend!

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