Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Election Day Growing Pains

I just left the polls hoping I made the right decisions, you know, because there are SO many options and decisions to make!!  I have been researching the candidates and issues since last night and I still found myself crinkling my nose and taking my time once I got to the booth and cast my ballot.  While I was walking to my car, I remembered a younger version of myself and a story that I thought I would share because I find it hilarious.

Mom and Greg, you will laugh......

I remember the first time I was allowed to vote.  It was the '00 election and I voted for Bush because he seemed like an honest guy and I liked his wife.  I was also pretty much raised Republican by my dad.  Well, fast forward to 2002 (I think that's about right),  I was going to school in Chicago.  I was in my first year of journalism school and we left class to take notes and write a story on the protests that were going on downtown.  They were of course, protesting the invasion of Iraq.  For you young ones, this is when "Freedom Fries" came about.  Maybe you remember that?

Anyway, I remember debating my mom and stepdad about the war for days.  Keep in mind, I was 10 years old in 1990 and I had just turned 21 when 9/11 happened.  All I knew about scandal was Monica Lewinsky and that Ronald Reagan had at one time been an actor.  I just thought we were a superpower because we were awesome.  I had no idea who Osama bin Laden was and I was SHOCKED that someone hated Americans.  I was clueless and spoiled.  So naturally when 9/11 happened, I wanted to defend the country at any cost.  My mom and stepdad weren't against protecting our country, but they wanted more information.  I remember being irritated that they were so cynical.  So during one of our debates, I remember saying one of the DUMBEST things I have ever said.  (And this has nothing to do with Bush, it was just a really stupid thing to say.)

I said "You grew up during Vietnam!  Your government lied to you!  Mine hasn't lied to me yet, so until they do, I am trusting them!  Back off!  I support the war!"  Then I graduated with a degree in journalism and experienced life and learned one important thing....

Follow the money.  There's your answer.

And I was finally a grown up.

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