Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend Recap

It is very cold this morning and I still ordered iced coffee so I could get it into my system as quickly as possible.  Why?  I slept for two hours last night.  I should have just injected it into my veins.  UGH, and you wanna know why I slept for two hours?  Because I didn't work out.  I have to work out, otherwise I lay there, wide awake.  I do that anyway to a certain degree, but it's worse when I don't work out. 

SO....the freakin' weekend....Friday night I went to the gym, ate dinner, and read a book.  I forced myself to go to bed at a decent time.  Saturday morning I woke up and felt awesome.  I made breakfast, went to Zumba and went shopping with Kerri because she had to get a dress for the wedding we were going to that night.  Our friend, Lauren, was getting married. 

I'll post some pictures, but first I have to talk about this wedding.  It was really beautiful, first of all.  But what I really want to talk about is the pool.   In the back there was a tent and heaters.  The pool kind of curved around and merged into the tent a bit.  We were all talking about how we thought that someone would fall in by the end of the night, but we had no idea....

We were all in the tent, listening to the heart-warming speeches when "SPLASHHHHH".  Everyone gasped and turned around.  We had a feeling it would happen, but then again, we couldn't believe that it had actually happened.  We definitely thought that it would happen at the end of the night when alcohol could be the culprit.  No such luck.  The poor girl who fell in was one of the bride's best friends and she was in a beautiful cream dress.  She thought she could maneuver around someone and she misjudged.  She laughed when they pulled her out, but we all felt terrible for her.  HER BAG was soaked!!!  She came back out dry, even her bag, and I have no idea how they achieved that.  My friend, Kerri, said it was like she went through a Jetson's clothes changer.

Mikey and Tony
Kerri, Ms. Diva, (heehee, aka Chardon) and me
Me, Kerri, and Crystalle
Me and Crystalle at Donavan's after the wedding
Lauren, the beautiful bride
One cute couple
Yesterday I got stuff done and rested.  Last night a couple of my adorable hostesses, Ashleigh and Jamie, came over to watch "Mean Girls" and eat pizza with me and Lindsey while the boys played with cars.  They love my kids and Lindsey adores them.  She's so cute.  She texts Ashleigh; Ashleigh is 19.  I think it's good for her to have an outlet other than mom. 

That was pretty much my weekend for the most part.

Back to work.

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