Friday, November 2, 2012

Flashback Friday-Embarrassing Moments

I didn't have time to write yesterday, so I am posting some Halloween pictures before I go into Flashback Friday.  I felt like a mouse on a wheel yesterday.  By the time I get the kids, clean, do some laundry, go to the gym, take a shower and get everyone to bed, it's usually 10:00.....if I'm lucky.

The pictures below are completely out of order because I didn't have to time to be meticulous about it. 

Carson as Woody, trying to to take a picture
Hannah and Lindsey

Mama and the way, I had shoe polish on my face
from being a football player
Logan decided at the last minute to throw on Brad's afro and go Trick-or-Treating.
He's too cool to actually PLAN on dressing up.
Fell asleep after 15 minutes of riding in the wagon
My little Dude.
Grammy took this while I was at work
My two sets
Logan and Buzz
Lindsey and Carson are always smiling for the camera
This is why having twins rocks....the costumes
"MY brudder"
Did you notice that Lindsey is Alice in Wonderland, except she was
the sweet kind? Leave the other Alice to Mom.
He refused to take off his helmet....even though he couldn't see.

Flashback Friday-Embarrassing moments

One of my friends fell the other day and she said she was embarrassed and screwed her knee up.  Her heel got caught in a crack and she went down.  To my friend out there, I hope your knee is better! You inspired this entry!

I was thinking about times that I have been really embarrassed and I thought to make her feel better, I would write about them.  There isn't much that makes me blush because I usually make fun of myself before anyone else has a chance to, but I have realized that there is one thing that embarrasses me and always has.  I get really embarrassed when people yell at me.  I put my head down like a little dog and feel like crawling into a hole.  I could have my skirt stuck in my pantyhose and not blush as quickly as if someone belittles me in front of someone else.  It's weird.  Thankfully, I was a good kid for the most part and didn't get a lot of spankings.  I got so embarrassed when I was in trouble. 

There are a couple on the list that don't have to do with getting yelled at....

  1. I played violin when I was a kid.  When I was around 5 or so, I remember having a recital and we all sat on the floor in a big group while we waited for our turn.  I remember standing up at the wrong time and realizing that they had announced another group.  I remember thinking "Maybe I should stand the whole time and no one will notice" but then I decided that sitting down was the best idea because I didn't know their song.  I sat down, hoping that no one would notice the dumb five-year-old who stood up when it wasn't her turn.
  2. I remember getting yelled at in front of a couple who was talking to my parents; I was 4.  My parents said that we would go out for ice-cream, but they just kept talking and talking and talking, so to speed them up, I grabbed the car keys and went to the car and started the ignition.  They turned around and started screaming at me, thinking I was going to drive away.  I sulked and started crying because they had scolded me in front of the other couple.  I wasn't going to drive away!
  3. My mom had a friend over and I was playing the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.  I wanted to be an actress, so I often played out movie scenes.  Well, the one I picked was when Jennifer Grey crawls on her hands and knees and sings "Babaaaay, ooooh, babaaaay".  You know the one.  Well, I went to my mom and her friend and acted it out and my mom screamed at me and said "Don't ever do that again!"  I cried and didn't know what I did wrong, but I only cared because a stranger was there.
  4. When I was in middle school, I had suggested to my science teacher that maybe if we used a larger percentage of our brain, like Einstein, we could do things that we hadn't thought possible.  I used the example of flying.  I wasn't saying that I thought we could fly, but I picked something that we thought was aerodynamically impossible.  But what if it was possible and we didn't know it?  At lunch that day, this dumbass kid (Wes) stood on a picnic table and said "Look, Brittany!  I can fly!"  He was flapping his arms, like a douche.  But I wanted to cry; I hated him so much.  Now, looking back, what I said made sense and he was the dummy that didn't understand it because he didn't know simple things, like what grass was.  But at the time, I was embarrassed.
  5. I failed my driver's test and had to go and tell everyone that I didn't get my license.  That sucked.  I was a terrible driver. 
I can't imagine the day that I face God and he tells me everything I did wrong.  I'll probably send myself to Hell out of pure shame and embarrassment.

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