Monday, October 6, 2014

Why the Thrill of the Chase is Not So Thrilling

I always hear people say that chasing a person is thrilling. Funny. I find it annoying and I always remember how annoying it is once I don't have to do it anymore.

My girlfriend and I were talking about our signs yesterday and whether or not there's any truth to them. She laughed when I said "Well I am definitely a Leo because it's no fun playing with a dead piece of meat, it's only fun playing with something that will play back with you." 

Maybe I always picture this analogy because I'm a Leo, but picture a lion....A lion in the zoo would give anything to not be handed dead meat on a platter because part of him loves the hunt.  But even when he's in the wild chasing something alive, he knows that the end result is that he wants to eat it. If he has to chase and chase something that will exhaust him to the point of starvation, he will become extremely aggravated. When he becomes aggravated, he will then just give up and go kill something else that doesn't make him irritated or feel inferior or hungry.  Lions are proud, so they don't like feeling this way.

I think people are the same way and this is why dating sucks. I talk to my friends about this all the time. Girls are told they're supposed to play hard to get because men are hunters. We say things like "Don't text him back right away!" "Don't say too much!" "Turn him down the first few times!" And men don't have it any better as far as I can see. Men are told they're supposed to play hard to get because that's what girls want. They have come to this conclusion because girls always seem to like assholes.  So before you know it, you have two people intentionally trying to be less available thinking it'll make them more appealing and then there goes the human race.

Why play games? Why not just say "This is what's up. Are you in or are you out? Wanna play?"  And then you play or go find someone more interested. I'm a real person, so I find this whole trying to be elusive when you like someone incredibly annoying. When you're a real person who is honest, you make a better mate. The problem with this is that you can't play the game to begin with, so you end up single because you suck at it and the game players end up ahead of you. 

Is it just me or is the whole thing so dumb?

So I guess my advice to my girlfriends or anyone reading is this....don't chase anyone who isn't turning around and playing back, and it's ok to let them chase you has long as you turn around and attack them again. Playing and dancing with someone is fun. Running marathons is not. 

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