Monday, October 20, 2014

Do Women Cheat More Nowadays?

I planned on doing a series where men asked questions about women but they all asked the same things, so I kind of dropped the ball.  Way to be compelling, men.  Haha just kidding. So one of the questions I got was "do more women cheat nowadays".....ummm in my opinion?  Yes. I hear a lot of men say "We got divorced because she cheated".  Sometimes I believe them and sometimes I just peg them for a jealous asshole who probably just doesn't want to look at himself and his mistakes so it's easier to be like "She's cheating on me".  BUT, I do think that women are more likely to cheat now than they did a few decades ago.  Why? It's just common sense.

I think that people are really uncomfortable viewing marriage for what it has historically been....a simple financial arrangement meant to safeguard reproduction and assets and keep people in line.  And why wouldn't they be uncomfortable?  Did you hear how dry that sounded?  Now I am not disputing that the Bible says you become one flesh and I won't pretend that all of that isn't serious stuff because it is.  If you are becoming one flesh with someone, it kind of goes without saying that you're going to love them.  Right?  Well, hopefully anyway.  Historically though, marriages have been a contract that keeps society in line and it still exists as such in other parts of the world. 

So what are the reasons that I think women cheat more often now?

Go back 50 or 60 years.  Women stayed at home and had children while the men worked.  If a woman found out that her husband was having an affair, she automatically had to consider how she would financially support her children and in a world that wasn't all supportive of a woman educating herself or entering the workforce, her options weren't plentiful.  She was more likely to turn a blind eye.  Divorce wasn't as accepted back then, so the woman would also have to consider what she would tell everyone.  The woman was also more isolated than the man on a daily basis....this is what happens when you take care of kids and iron and cook all day.....

Women cheat more now because they can.  (Just like a man.)

  1. They're financially independent.  I think one of the reasons that men have historically been the cheaters is because they could financially.  Other than wanting to have lots of sex with lots of different women because they tend to be biologically built that way (hunters), they had the power to do so because they had the money.  Money is power.  Women have their own now. 
  2. They're sexually confident Women aren't embarrassed to talk about their bodies and sex and they are tempted just like men.  We are more tapped into this area than years ago. Tadaaaa!  Women like sex too, guys.
  3. Divorce is more accepted. It isn't the Middle East, it isn't the 50's.  You aren't going to be stoned to death if you get caught.  The punishment probably isn't as scary as the excitement is exciting.  (At least while you're doing it.)
  4. More options  Women aren't by themselves knitting and cooking muffins all day without anyone to talk to.  Technology alone leaves you hundreds of ways to get into trouble, and if you work, obviously you are going to meet other people more often than if you're at home starching your husband's shirt. We aren't in a little bubble anymore, the same as men.
  5. The genders have been neutralized, pretty much in general. I think there is a gender neutralization that's happened and this has left us all pretty confused about who we are and who the opposite sex is and what we all want, and it should leave us confused because it's a mess.  The things that make us biologically different as men and women are still there and yet they aren't.  It isn't politically correct anymore to identify men and women as different, but we know that something isn't working by doing this.  As for me, I have no problem admitting that I wish I could go back to the 50's where the roles were spelled out for you, but then I realize that I can't keep my damn mouth shut and don't like a man telling me what I can and cannot do, so that wouldn't work for me I guess. 
  6. Women have other things on their bucket lists other than marriage and relationships. I think that women just aren't as consumed with finding a mate and having kids and marriage and relationships aren't Number 1 on the list.  I was not one of these women.  I wanted to get married and have kids above all else.  However, I can say that I understand the confusion when it comes to commitment because I don't think marriage is as respected nowadays and if it isn't respected, then maybe commitment in general isn't as respected. As backwards as that is, I can see it happening.  It's sad and it sucks.
  7. We have been lied to.  OK, I am about to go off.....For a bunch of women who are so cynical, or realistic, or independent or whatever, we sure are delusional.  We were told that we can have it all...marriage, kids, career, etc.  We were lied to and some of us are still searching for perfection because we don't know what the hell we want.  You can't have it all without tradeoffs, ever, and to the women who told us this generations ago, I say screw you.  Thank you, radical feminists, who told me I deserve MORE than a man can ever offer and thank you for making me take on ALL of the roles. Thank you for making men feel like they serve no purpose and for not knowing what to do to make us happy.  We think we can have everything, but we are so tired and sad expecting it, we don't even know where to look or where to go.  Thank you for forcing us to be both men and women.  You know, because that makes a lot of sense.  Here's what I have learned.....You will never have a fairytale anything and if you are always chasing the perfect man and still trying to chase everything else, you will always be alone.  Reality sucks but chasing a lie is worse and it won't keep you warm at night when you're old and wrinkly. 

Maybe we made a mistake making marriage about love. Ugh.  I just said that.....

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