Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10 Things Men Wish We Would Quit Doing Immediately

I recently read an article called "33 Men Reveal One Thing They'd All Like Women To Stop Doing Immediately" but I only picked my favorite 10 because this is my blog and I will do what I want.  Just kidding.  I have to go to work. 

  1. Thinking that they're queens.  All of those postings on Facebook about "a real man would treat me like a queen", yeah, they annoy me too. You look like a total bitch. 
  2. Passive Aggression.  There is nothing more annoying to me.  If you're mad, say you're freaking mad.  If something is wrong, don't say "nothing".  I don't have time to dig it out of you and neither does a man.  And then when I don't keep asking you and I let it go, that doesn't mean that I never cared, it means that you are a pain in the ass and need too much attention.  Also, subtle hints never work for men.  I pick up on them, but men don't.  Plus, they're annoying as well.  I even tell my children, "I am asking you once what's wrong.  Tell me now or never because I am not asking again."  This should be common practice. 
  3. How they treat each other. I agree with this.  I think a man should judge a woman based on how she treats other women.  If you meet a girl who always bitches and has drama, guess  There's bound to be a little, but guys have a little too.  The women who treat other women like crap suck. 
  4. Painting their eyebrows.  I concur.
  5. Treating sex like a gift they give to men. In the article, the man says "Stop treating sex as something you let us do to you.  Either you want it too or f*** off."  Ha ha ha ha ha.  I'm sorry, that's funny.
  6. Reckless feet behavior in the car.  Ok, I agree, but I can't say I don't do this on road trips.  I will not take my feet off the dashboard because I believe that I am a monkey.  Sorry.  Deal with it.  At least my toes are painted.
  7. Waking their man up.  I think this is so rude.  When you wake up, awesome.  Wake up, but just because you're up doesn't mean that everyone else has to be up too.  Unless you're waking them up with sex, it's really rude to blow-dry your hair an inch away from their face.
  8. Not being able to complete a thought.  The article said "stop saying I CAN'T EVEN. Finish your sentence or don't talk at all.  It makes you sound dumb as shit."  You can't even.....imagine having a brain?  Yeah, we know.
  9. Believing that guys can't get hurt.  They are people too, even if they have penises. 
  10. Not knowing how to take compliments.  Take them by saying thank you.  I totally agree. I will admit though, I haven't really mastered this either. Sometimes I fidget, blush and look down at my feet when I get a compliment from a guy.  It's easier to take them via text message because they can't see you smiling.

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