Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Top 10-Ways to Inspire Someone

  1. Be Honest. Be real.  No one likes a person who is full of crap.  People like to be heard, they like to feel like they aren't alone in the world, and they like to feel connection.  Why the hell are we on this planet if not to connect, learn and grow from each other?  How can you get close to someone if you are dishonest about your shortcomings and who you are?  How can you feel loved if you know you're being fake?  Take your wall down and show someone else the truth.  You're lovely, even with your flaws and if they don't like it, who cares?  Being genuine is very inspiring to those who are not.  It makes people brave to try being themselves and not to care what others think.  Plus, there's only one you.  No one else is exactly like you.  Don't rip the rest of us off with some lame carbon copy of your neighbor.
  2. Smile and Be Positive.  If the first wrinkles I get are smile lines, I am cool with that.  I smile every day.  Every single day, I smile and laugh.  Now, sometimes it's more often throughout the day than others, but I smile throughout every day of my life.  Like Will Ferrell says in Elf, "I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite."  Ha ha.  I love smiling.  Smiling is a very simple way to make yourself happy and to improve every facet of your day.  And do you know what a smile does to someone else?  It disarms them.  Also, remember that the best time to keep a smile on your face is when you really shouldn't be smiling about anything. 
  3. Surprise Someone. I get a kick out of shocking the hell out of people.  Sometimes I feel like I am "this" and then "that" comes out of my mouth.  People look up and say "Did she say that?"  Sometimes I do something completely incongruent with what someone expects and it amuses me.  I love watching people get outside their comfort zone and do something that is completely unexpected.  It's inspiring for me to watch.
  4. Be Interesting. The only way for you to be interesting is to be interested in other things and others.  Draw from the world, draw from your surroundings, and then ponder those things. Do you know how awesome this place is to live?  It is hilarious and beautiful.  Slow down.  Look around.  Be interested.  You'll be more interesting. 
  5. Be Good. I didn't say be perfect.  I said be good.  Be a good person.  Have a heart.  Feel something for someone other than yourself.  Love others.  Put people before yourself.  People pay attention to that.
  6. Know Who You Are. If you don't know who you are, how do you know what you want?  If you don't know what you want, how will you know where to go?  If you sit in one place, how are you living your life?  How are you inspiring others by sitting in one place, not doing anything with it?  Get up, figure out who you are and what you want and make a plan.  Just do it. 
  7. Compliment Others. Tell people what you see when you look at them.  The act of you telling them is not what's inspiring, but the fact that you see something in them may inspire them to hone in on it more.  Maybe they have no idea how awesome they are. Be their cheerleader.  There is absolutely no reason to begrudge someone of a compliment.  We are all struggling with ourselves in some way and yet I can tell you that 100% of the time there is something I can find about someone else that I like.  Now, there are some pretty evil people in the world and maybe this gets me into trouble, but it's true that everyone has something good about them.  There is a good quality about every person on this planet and I make an effort to see it even when the person sucks at life.
  8. Be Passionate. Don't do things half-ass.  Love what you're doing and if you don't love it, do something else.  This goes for people too.  Be passionate toward the people in your life.  Love them with passion.  
  9. Dream. John Lennon said it best. You may be a dreamer, but you're not the only one.  Creativity and the ability and desire to think whimsically is the color of the world. 
  10. Don't Settle.  Be strong and know what you want and what you're worth. Once you figure out that you're ok alone and that at the end of the day you're by yourself, you're less willing to settle for crap and you're more willing to tell someone who isn't worth your time that they are in fact, a waste of your time.  My attitude is this....some things are acceptable to me, some are not, and that's all there is to it.  It makes the weeding-out process easy.  Compromise is healthy, but compromising yourself, your values, and your desires and needs is really not ok at all. 

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