Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Question 1-Why Are Women Moody?

So this is the first part of a series I am doing where men get to ask me questions and I try to answer them.  Why?  Because it will be fun. 

One of my friends sent me this link....

If you don't want to read it, that is a shame because it's funny.  Basically, a study revealed that women spend 10 days out of the year in a bad mood.  The list of triggers include the following, and I may have added commentary:

Being overweight 
Partner not listening 
Feeling under the weather 
Weather/ bad weather 
Not having enough money 
Technology e.g. internet crashing / computer not working
Feeling undervalued
No one helping with anything
Time of the month
PMT (I don't even know what this is...)
Having nothing to wear (Yeah, because the 72 pairs of shoes count as nothing.)
Having a bad hair day 
Keeping on top of housework / washing 
A boring life 
Heavy workload 
The traffic 
Colleagues not pulling their weight 
Being hungry 
Children not listening
Public transport being late
Hating your job 
Waking up with a spot 
Knowing what to cook for dinner every night 
Your boss putting pressure on you 
Rubbish on TV (This is hilarious)
Ungrateful children 
All the hot water being used up in the morning 
Your friends' Facebook updates 
Going through menopause 
Colleagues being late for work 
No one making you a cup of tea (This is my favorite.  I can't stand when no one makes me a cup of tea, stupid bastards!)
Breaking a nail Ha ha ha ha ha

Ok, so my friend asked me to write about why women are always in a bad mood. 

First of all, we are not always in a bad mood and this study is ridiculous; I certainly am not always in a bad mood.  I would pay you money to find 10 people who would say I am moody.  I would also pay you money to find 25 men who are, but then I would be broke. We secretly believe that you guys suffer from "man periods" just as often as you think we are moody and on ours.  Every man I have ever been in a relationship with has been moodier than me, so it comes down to what kind of man or woman you are.  You can be a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person, no matter what your gender is.

Everyone has a bad day, or a bad moment or a bad period in their life, but if someone is chronically grouchy, I can only think of three reasons why and here they are.....

  1. Hormones. Try to understand the power of hormones, men.  The only reason that I believe and sympathize with women who struggle with hormonal imbalances is because I have taken birth control and thought I might kill someone or at least punch someone in the face.  I have two sets of twins, so obviously, there is a SEVERE reason why I have basically never been on hormones for any decent amount of time....the reason is because I turn into an angry person and I have headaches 4 days out of a week.  Hormones make me very, very sick.  I was on the pill a couple of years ago and I only took them for 11 days before one of my friends told me to stop immediately.  I felt like I was going to climb out of my skin.  I felt hot, I felt uncomfortable and I seriously didn't feel like myself.  I felt like I was going to scream, all the time.  Logic didn't work.  Nothing helped.  And the crappy thing about it was that I KNEW that wasn't me and I knew that I wasn't making sense but I still couldn't stop being aggravated.  I have also been pregnant twice.  Both times I turned into someone who could watch extremely sad things and not even shed a tear, whereas, I am usually going to cry during Beaches or some chick flick because that's just a normal response to someone, you know, dying? I was hard as nails.  Then when you have your baby, you cry for stupid reasons, like maybe your toothbrush bristle bent the wrong way.  It takes months to get back to normal.  Do not underestimate hormones.  And if you suspect they are a problem,  persuade her to get her hormones checked. 
  2. Maybe consider that she really doesn't like you, you irritate the shit out of her, or you really pissed her off because you are a complete horse's ass. I know that whenever I have been pissed off about something and I am upset with a guy, there is a legitimate reason. When I look back at the crap that pissed me off when I was married or in a relationship, I could LOGICALLY tell you why I was pissed off and it never had anything to do with anything else. Sometimes you guys miss the fact that we really are logical and we aren't being emotional...we need something. Too many times you realize it when it's too late, so don't do that.  Don't assume we are just being moody.  
  3. She's just a bitch.  Sorry, but there are some pretty miserable women out there.  If you are just now bitching about it and you have done literally everything you can to make her happy, sorry, dude.  You chose wrong.  There are some happy girls out there who don't give a damn whether it's sunny or raining, they go to the gym when they feel like their ass is fat, they lift their friends up and don't bash other women, they don't give a shit how much money you make, what kind of car you just chose a Debbie Downer.  There are a lot of studies about how happiness is genetic and there are people who genetically struggle seeing things positively and who just seem to suck at life. 

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