Monday, September 22, 2014


I had a great weekend. I hung out with the kids the whole time and babysat a friend's little boy Friday and Saturday night. The boys ADORE him. Although he will be 2 next month, Dylan still thinks he needs to feed him and baby him. They both snuggle him and love on him. So cute! Anyway, I ran errands, caught up on laundry, and went to hot yoga and watched kids on Saturday. 

Yesterday the boys and I went to church, had brunch, went to the zoo and then had dinner at Atlantic Station. My friend, Katie, came along and told me at the end of the day how blessed I am to have them, which means they wrapped her around their fingers. Haha. They make everyone fall in love. And make no mistake about it, I'm totally conceited about my boys because they're honestly that sweet. Like angels. And hilarious and cute!!! 

By the way, I'm really starting to have a problem with Dylan's attire. He pretty much will only wear Superman clothes, and it's a good thing he has an entire wardrobe. But on the weekends, he makes sure that I have washed his UnderArmor Superman shirt and he refuses to take it off. Even while getting ready for church yesterday,  I told him he had to wear something else and then had to compromise and let him wear it underneath his church clothes. When we walked out of church, he lifted his regular shirt so everyone could see the S underneath his clothes. He walks around so proud. And did I mention that he won't take off the cape? I could eat him. 

Saturday morning at Starbucks

Admiring the bikes.....
Flexin' his muscles....

The Zoo:

Atlantic Station.....

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