Friday, January 24, 2014

Why Unrequited Love Shines Like No Other

There is probably nothing else in life quite like love that is unrequited.  It's laced throughout music, movies, novels, art, and if you have ever experienced loving someone wholeheartedly only to find out that you're the only one in love, you know how painful it is.  It's a kind of pain that you would never take back because something tells you it makes you better, and then at the same time, you wish you could because it feels like a thousand knives in your heart and soul. 

This subject has come up with my girlfriends three times this week and I have told them what I have learned about unrequited love:

Unrequited love is a gift for both people involved even though it's one of the most painful things you'll ever experience in life, but as usual, no pain no gain.  It will damage you forever if you let it, it will drown you if you swim in it and if you let it change you for the worse, you are missing its lesson. 

Unrequited love requires one person to love, sacrifice, pray, give, adore, and surrender without receiving any benefit for themselves.  Loving that person seems like reward enough.  Human beings can be so selfish, so if you can experience loving someone unconditionally without any hope or sign of ever receiving love back, you just learned what love is and you're fully capable. 

If you are on the receiving end of this unshakable and crazy kind of love, pay attention because you just witnessed a witnessed God.  You were just given true love and it's an example of how you should love another-without bartering, without reward, even without hope.

Unrequited love teaches you something careful with someone's heart.  I never really understood how fragile a heart in love is, because quite honestly, everyone I loved has loved me back.  When you experience this kind of pain, you become more cautious to lay it on someone else.

You'll never forget how you felt if you have experienced this, but the good part is that unlike many relationships which  end in nasty divorces and disputes, unrequited love never got started and if it did, you loved the person so much, it stayed can remain perfect and pure in your heart and mind.  It shines like no other kind of love.  It really does. 

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