Monday, January 14, 2013

The Perfect Man

I saw "Gone with the Wind" at the Strand on Friday night with Libbie and it was awesome.  Yes, I have seen this movie many, many times, but it was cool to see it on a big screen.   I liked hearing people laugh collectively. I have always laughed during that movie, but when you watch it with a big group, you realize how well written the script is and how funny it is.

So I am sure that a lot of girls feel this way, but Rhett Butler is sexy as hell.  Right?  Along with being confident and smart and witty, he's handsome and charming. 

I have the perfect fictional male.  Get ready for this.....

Atticus Finch (Scout's dad in To Kill a Mockingbird) and Rhett Butler rolled together.  The reasons?  Well, Rhett is Rhett.  He loves and adores Scarlett’s qualities that make her difficult; he is actually amused by her when others would find her to be an unbelievable pain in the ass.  I love that.  He loves her spirit.  That's awesome.  I assume I can’t be easy to deal with, being so opinionated and all, so I have always liked Rhett Butler.  Rhett's only downfall is that he spoiled his little girl, Bonnie, too much.  I mean, it was really adorable, but it was just ridiculous how much he spoiled her.  That's why I say Atticus Finch would be a good mix.  Atticus was the most perfect dad anyone could have.  He is sound in advice, taught and disciplined his children correctly and lovingly, and he never wavered from what was morally right.  I don't know if I could be attracted to a guy as wholesome and perfect as Atticus Finch though.  I would always feel like I was bad and stupid if I were with a guy like Atticus Finch.  That's why the mix between the two characters is perfect. 

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