Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thoughts on Texting

People who have been in relationships since the turn of the century just don’t understand how different it is nowadays.  Dating is dead.  We are all wandering around like a bunch of zombies staring at our phones, developing 15 half-ass relationships at once that eventually fizzle out and wondering why we can't bond with someone.  We have too many options, which turn into no options because we're tired of having the same conversations over and over via text but it's too hard to pick up the phone and talk like in the olden days.  On top of that, we have the attention spans of flies.  Why is it so hard to just find someone to watch Netflix with?  Because it is.  I don't know.  It just is.  

Texting has definitely become the norm, but it makes meeting someone new difficult because people end up overanalyzing and playing games to appear less available.  Then by the time all of that's happened, you look at the situation and you never really even went out with the person. 

Here are some of the things that go through your head when you are single nowadays.....

Why isn't he/she texting me back? 

One of my friends was telling me yesterday that she thinks everything is going well with her new “relationship” (she didn’t really know what to call it because she isn't sure what they are yet) but she isn’t sure how it’s going because all they do is text and don’t really go out all that much. She sent him a text 7 hours prior (but who’s counting) and she hadn’t heard back.  He wrote back while I was there and she said “I hate this!  I hate playing games!  Great! Now when do I text him back since he waited 7 hours?”  I said “Don’t text him back right away, it’ll look like you were sitting around waiting for his text.  Wait a few minutes at least.”  Right.  Because none of us have our phones strapped to us all the time anyway.....

My gosh, he/she texts a lot.....

Stage 5 Clinger

Why doesn't he/she text more?

Ok, cling a little more but not too much....

Oh, sh**, what did I say? 

One of my girlfriends said a few weeks ago that a guy had asked her to do something that night.  She said "ok, what do you want to do" and then she felt like she was "going to crap her pants" wondering if she had said something wrong because he didn't write back for hours. 

How much space is safe to give someone who isn't even in the room with you? 

A couple days ago one of my guy friends asked me how much space is too much space to give a girl via text.  He only sees her once a week and said she is going through a bunch of stuff.  I told him that I understood her needing space, but then again, I said that when I have been in love with someone, I don’t need space no matter what I am going through.  I need that person.  I said it sounds like a typical dwindling situation to me.  But how the hell should I know?  (I said that to him via text, by the way.)  He said thanks for nothing.  

Read Receipts

Mine are on because I am an asshole.  Deal with it.  

Delivered Receipts

That's even worse than "read" in my opinion.  They could be dead or didn't like what you said....guess you'll never know.  

I hate that he/she doesn't have an iPhone.....

This is just a bunch of crap.  Apparently some of us aren't even compatible and there are texts that don't get there, so then this creates a level of confusion and insecurity that wouldn't be there if we all had our read receipts on or the same kind of phone.  

Did he just send me a picture of his....yep, that is definitely what that is.....

If I am not asking, don't send it.  And by the way, we are showing our friends.

Did I use too many Emojis?

Well, I haven't asked myself this question because I don't care...but there are guys who could use less of them.

What the hell are we?  

No one really knows. 

Then there's my Kryptonite and none of this matters.  You break the stupid rules against your better judgment when you're crazy about someone.  You want to see them when you like them.  You ignore your fears when you are into someone.  You know when someone has your full attention and when you have theirs....texting or not, just enjoy the ride and chill. Don't overanalyze and just chill.

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